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Proofs on Lists and Trees

Welcome to week 4 of CS-214 β€” Software Construction! The aim of this exercise set is to familiarize you write equational reasoning.

As usual, ⭐️ indicates the most important exercises and questions and πŸ”₯ indicates the most challenging ones.

You do not need to complete all exercises to succeed in this class, and you do not need to do all exercises in the order they are written.

We strongly encourage you to solve the exercises on paper first, in groups. After completing a first draft on paper, you may want to check your solutions on your computer. To do so, you can download the scaffold code (ZIP).

Proofs on lists

Composition of maps ⭐️

Prove that the following equivalence holds by using inductive reasoning:

βˆ€ (l: List[T]), === `andThen` g)

(βˆ€ is short for β€œfor all”, so the statement above says: β€œfor all lists l of type List[T], equals `andThen` g)”.)

Here are the relevant axioms for this proof:

  1. === Nil
  2. (x :: xs).map(f) === f(x) :: (
  3. (f `andThen` g)(x) === g(f(x))

Be very precise in your proof:

A more complicated proof (FP midterm 2016)

We want to implement a function sum(list: List[Int]): Int, which returns the sum of the elements of a list of Int-s. We can easily specify that function as follows:

(1)  sum(Nil) === 0
(2)  sum(x :: xs) === x + sum(xs)

We can implement sum using foldLeft:

def betterSum(list: List[Int]): Int =

def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
Why not naively translate the specification into Scala?

We can also naively translate the specification into a Scala implementation, but it’s a non-tail-recursive function. There’s no need to understand tail recursion now, we will learn about it in week 11!

However, that implementation is not obviously correct. We would like to prove that it is correct for all lists of integers. In other words, we want to prove that

list.foldLeft(0)(add) === sum(list)

for all lists of integers.

In addition to the specification of sum (axioms 1-2), you may use the following axioms:

(3)  Nil.foldLeft(z)(f) === z
(4)  (x :: xs).foldLeft(z)(f) === xs.foldLeft(f(z, x))(f)
(5)  add(a, b) === a + b
(6)  a + b === b + a
(7)  (a + b) + c === a + (b + c)
(8)  a + 0 === a

Axioms 3-5 follow from the implementations of foldLeft and add. Axioms 6-8 encode well-known properties of Int.+: commutativity, associativity, and neutral element.

Your task: Prove the following lemma by structural induction:

βˆ€ (l: List[Int]) (z: Int), l.foldLeft(z)(add) === z + sum(l)

From that lemma, we can (with the help of axioms 6 and 8) derive that the implementation of betterSum is correct by substituting 0 for z in the lemma. You are not asked to do that last bit.

A hard proof on foldLeft and foldRight πŸ”₯

We have now seen two list-traversal functions. One, from left to right, called foldLeft; and another, from right-to-left, called foldRight. In this exercise, we’ll see how to relate them to each other.

Let’s look back at the definitions of foldLeft and foldRight:

def foldLeft[A, B](base: B, f: (B, A) => B)(l: List[A]): B = l match
  case Nil         => base
  case Cons(x, xs) => foldLeft(f(base, x), f)(xs)
def foldRight[A, B](f: (A, B) => B, base: B)(l: List[A]): B = l match
  case Nil         => base
  case Cons(x, xs) => f(x, foldRight(f, base)(xs))

Let’s see what they have in common on a concrete example:

Now, let’s prove this property!

Similar to the above exercises, we can specify foldLeft, foldRight and reverse as follows:

(1) Nil.foldLeft(z)(f) === z
(2) (x :: xs).foldLeft(z)(f) === xs.foldLeft(f(z, x))(f)
(3) Nil.foldRight(f)(z) === z
(4) (x :: xs).foldRight(f)(z) === f(x, xs.foldRight(f)(z))
(5) Nil.reverse === Nil
(6) (x :: xs).reverse === xs.reverse ++ (x :: Nil)
(7) Nil ++ l === l
(8) (x :: xs) ++ l === x :: (xs ++ l)

Your task: Prove the following lemma (called fold_left_rev_right) by structural induction:

fold_left_rev_right: βˆ€ [A, B] (l: List[A]) (f: (A, B) => B) (z: B),
  l.reverse.foldRight(f)(z) === l.foldLeft(z)((a: A, b: B) => f(b, a))

Simple Stack Machine Interpreter πŸ”₯

A stack machine uses a last-in, first-out (LIFO) stack to hold short-lived temporary values. Assume the values are integers. Then, a stack can be viewed as a list of integers:

type Stack = List[Int]


Most of a stack machine’s instructions assume that operands will be from the stack, and results placed in the stack. We consider a simple stack machine that only supports the following instructions:


A program is a list of instructions:

type Program = List[Instruction]


For example, consider the expression A * (B - C) + (D + E), written in reverse Polish notation as A B C - * D E + +. Compiling and running this on a simple stack machine would take the form:

 Program         # stack contents (leftmost = top = most recent):
 Push(A)         #           A
 Push(B)         #     B     A
 Push(C)         # C   B     A
 Minus           #     B-C   A
 Mul             #           A*(B-C)
 Push(D)         #     D     A*(B-C)
 Push(E)         # E   D     A*(B-C)
 Add             #     D+E   A*(B-C)
 Add             #           A*(B-C)+(D+E)

(The example is taken from Wikipedia.)

In this section, your task is to implement a simple stack machine interpreter. That is, implement a method interpProg which takes an initial stack and a program, then returns the stack after execution of the program. Assume you have access to a function interpInst function, which computes the new state of a stack given the old state and a single instruction. You must use foldLeft to implement it.

def interpProg(stack: Stack, program: Program): Stack =


Now, you need to implement the interpInst function:

  def interpInst(stack: Stack, inst: Instruction): Stack =


Proofs on trees

In this part, we’ll focus on structural induction on trees. We’ll also see how to write proofs about arbitrary structurally recursive functions, not just map, fold, and other functions for which axioms were given by the problem statement.

We’ll use a Expr type similar to the one from the calculator lab as our motivating example. For simplicity, we remove the Div and Neg case and use BigInt for the numbers. Here is the definition of Expr:

enum Expr:
  case Number(value: BigInt)
  case Var(name: String)
  case Add(e1: Expr, e2: Expr)
  case Minus(e1: Expr, e2: Expr)
  case Mul(e1: Expr, e2: Expr)


… and of evaluate, written here with a function context. Notice that we return a BigInt (not an Option[BigInt]) for simplicity, which means that undefined variables have a default value (and that there are no overflows, since we’re using BigInt):

def evaluate(ctx: String => BigInt, e: Expr): BigInt = e match
  case Number(value) => value
  case Var(name)     => ctx(name)
  case Add(e1, e2)   => evaluate(ctx, e1) + evaluate(ctx, e2)
  case Minus(e1, e2) => evaluate(ctx, e1) - evaluate(ctx, e2)
  case Mul(e1, e2)   => evaluate(ctx, e1) * evaluate(ctx, e2)


To reason about arithmetic in the rest of this exercise, use the following axioms:

Warm up: mirror

Let’s warm up with a simple operation, mirror:

def mirror(e: Expr): Expr = e match
  case Number(value) => Number(value)
  case Var(name)     => Var(name)
  case Add(e1, e2)   => Add(mirror(e2), mirror(e1))
  case Minus(e1, e2) => Minus(mirror(e2), mirror(e1))
  case Mul(e1, e2)   => Mul(mirror(e2), mirror(e1))


mirror mirrors the left and right children of an expression tree. For example, mirror(Add(Number(1), Number(2))) is Add(Number(2), Number(1)).

Writing axioms from definitions

We have seen three ways to reason about the execution of code until now:

  1. The substitution method with concrete variables, to understand how code works on a specific input;
  2. Applying rewrite rules (such as MapCons or IH), to prove properties valid for all inputs;
  3. The substitution method with variables, to reason about strongest postconditions.

In formal proofs we applied only (2), rewrite rules, but these techniques are related: uses of the substitution method can be converted into applications of rewrite rules. For example, for evaluate, applying the substitution method gives us the following axioms for all value, name, e1, and e2:and are given:

Write similar axioms for the function mirror above.

Proving properties of mirror ⭐️

Does mirror preserve the value of its input expression? That is, can we prove eval(ctx, mirror(e)) == eval(ctx, e)?

If yes, write a proof of this fact using structural induction on e. If not, give a counterexample (a value for e and ctx such that the theorem does not hold, then conjecture a theorem that does hold and prove it).


It does not hold: mirror changes the value of Minus nodes: eval(Minus(1, 3)) is -2, but eval(mirror(Minus(1, 3))) is 2. If you attempt a proof, you will get stuck on the inductive step for Minus:

    evaluate(ctx, mirror(Minus(e1, e2)))
=== evaluate(ctx, Minus(mirror(e2), mirror(e1))) // by MirrorMinus
=== evaluate(ctx, mirror(e2)) + evaluate(ctx, mirror(e1)) // by EvalMinus
=== evaluate(ctx, e2) - evaluate(ctx, e1) // by IH1 and IH2
=/= evaluate(ctx, e1) - evaluate(ctx, e2) // Not equal!
=== evaluate(ctx, Minus(e1, e2)) // by EvalMinus

What does hold, however, is the fact that mirror(mirror(e)) == e. Functions like mirror that verify this property are called involutive.

Now, prove it!

Verification of static analyzers ⭐️

Let’s continue our program proofs journey by looking at a static analyzer. A static analyzer is a program that checks a property of another program.

For example, the following static analyzer checks whether the input expression e always evaluate to 0:

def zeroExpr(e: Expr): Boolean = e match
  case Number(value) => value == 0
  case Var(_)        => false
  case Add(e1, e2)   => zeroExpr(e1) && zeroExpr(e2)
  case Minus(e1, e2) => zeroExpr(e1) && zeroExpr(e2)
  case Mul(e1, e2)   => zeroExpr(e1) && zeroExpr(e2)


It correctly identifies that Add(Number(0), Mul(Number(0), Number(0))) is always zero by returning true, and it returns false for Add(Number(0), Mul(Number(1), Number(0))).

We can write this property formally as P(e) === βˆ€ ctx. evaluate(ctx, e) == 0.

A static analyzer is sound if all programs for which it returns true have the property (in other words, it has no false positives):

It is complete if it identifies all programs that have the property (in other words, there are no false negatives: all programs for which it returns false do not have the property).

  1. Write rewriting rules for zeroExpr.

  2. Is zeroExpr complete? Is it sound? For each of these properties, provide either a counterexample if the property is wrong, or a proof if it’s correct.

Computer-checked proofs

In previous exercises, you were asked to write proofs about functional code. These proofs allow to mathematically express and verify your beliefs about programs. However, who checks your proofs?

You and your peers may indeed have faced issues where the proof was incorrectly checked or completely invalidated due to a small mistake. Writing proofs can be tedious and error-prone, and correctly grading them even more so!

Further, while writing the proofs, you’re never sure if you’re correct. If only the computer could check the proof for you and provide feedback. This is indeed possible! In this exercise, we’ll see such an interface and attempt to check some proofs we’ve already seen.

The proof syntax is intended to be close to what you would write on paper, but with your IDE providing hints along the way. While you’re writing your proof, you can instead now have it checked by the computer and get some live feedback!

For example, let’s try to prove (Nil ++ Nil).map(single) === Nil using the following axioms:

(1) === Nil
(2) (x :: xs).map(f) === f(x) :::
(3) Nil.flatten === Nil
(4) (xs :: xss).flatten === xs ++ xss.flatten
(5) Nil ++ ys === ys
(6) (x :: xs) ++ ys === x :: (xs ++ ys)
(7) single(x) === x :: Nil

The axioms provided are true for all values of the variables, they are implicitly universally quantified as before. Let’s say in the paper proof, we write each step in form x === y by Rule:

    (Nil ++ Nil).map(single)
=== by 5
=== Nil by 1

Now it’s time to use the computer to check this proof!

At the top of file MapSingleFlatten.scala, you can find:

These can be accessed like any other Scala object. A proof looks like:

// example of a theorem applying a single rule
val exampleRuleApplication = Theorem( === Nil):
    === Nil ==< Map.NilCase


Noted that in each step x === y by Rule, by has been replaced by the smooth ==< operator. If you have ligatures enabled in your IDE, the theorem should look like this:


You can optionally see instructions on enabling ligatures in VSCode here.

Our previous paper proof on (Nil ++ Nil).map(single) === Nil can be translated to Scala as follows:

// example of a theorem applying two rules successively
val multipleRuleApplication = Theorem((Nil ++ Nil).map(single) === Nil):
  (Nil ++ Nil).map(single)
    ===  ==< Append.NilCase
    === Nil              ==< Map.NilCase


You can run the examples with sbt runMain itp.examples, or just sbt run and then selecting itp.examples at the prompt. Running the file should print:

[info] running (fork) itp.examples
[info] Proved Theorem exampleRuleApplication: ( === Nil)
[info] Proved Theorem multipleRuleApplication: ((Nil ++ Nil).map(single) === Nil)

Woohoo πŸ₯³! Your proof now comes with a computer-checked certificate of correctness. If you alter the proof step a bit to be incorrect, attempting === xss ==< Map.NilCase:

[info] running (fork) itp.examples
[info] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed:
[info] MapSingleFlatten.scala:53 : proof step failed:
[info] 	LHS:
[info] 	RHS: xss
[info] Cannot be justified with the statement: ( === Nil)

pointing out the equality you were attempting to prove, the rule applied, and the file and line of the failed proof.

While changing the proof, you can use ~runMain itp.examples in sbt to re-run automatically whenever you change the proof.

Starting with Proofs ⭐️

You can run the warm-up exercises as ~runMain itp.startingWithProofs in sbt.

Proofs with Axioms

Based on the provided axioms, complete the proof nilAppend:

val nilAppend = Theorem((x :: Nil) ++ Nil === (x :: Nil)):
  (x :: Nil) ++ Nil


You can look at the examples multipleRuleExample and usingAssumption for more syntax.

Proofs with Assumptions

Based on the provided axioms and assumptions, complete the proof concatNilFlatten:

val assumption = xs ++ Nil === Nil ++ xs

val concatNilFlatten = Theorem(
  assumption ==> ((xs ++ Nil.flatten) === xs)


What happens if you alter the assumption statement? What if you do not put the assumption in the theorem statement?

Restating and readability

Writing a list like x :: y :: Nil can certainly be annoying, but since we are just using Scala, we can define a familiar alias:

// convenient syntax for lists
// eg: List(x, y)
def List[A](xs: A*): List[A] =
  if xs.isEmpty then Nil
  else xs.head :: List(xs.tail*)


To the proof, List(x, y) and x :: y :: Nil are exactly the same thing, and so this does not affect how the proof checker sees our terms at all.

As neat as aliases and notations are most of the time, when mixed in with other terms, they can sometimes become hard to read. For example,

List(x) ++ Nil
  === x :: (Nil ++ Nil) ==< Axiom((x :: xs) ++ ys === x :: (xs ++ ys))

is not immediately obvious to understand, as the axiom uses x :: xs, while our statement has List(x). So, for both readability and to display the author’s intention, it is often worthwhile to perform “restate” steps in a proof, writing the same statement, but in a more understandable form:

List(x) ++ Nil
  === (x :: Nil) ++ Nil ==< ???
  === x :: (Nil ++ Nil) ==< Axiom((x :: xs) ++ ys === x :: (xs ++ ys))

The “restate” step, while not necessary, expands the definition of List(_) to allow for better readability for humans. In the end, the goal of a proof is to ascertain yourself about mathematical statements, and to share those results with other humans, who may use the proof to then convince themselves. It is worthwhile to adapt your proof to display your train of thought.

Given that, how do we justify our “restate” step, what goes in the place of ???. In fact, since we are just writing x === x ==< Rule, this statement is true regardless of the rule we provide. To be clear about our intentions, we say that this statement follows from reflexivity, and define this as Restate.

// if we are simply rewriting a step, we can say it follows from reflexivity
// note that adding x === x as an axiom does not change anything
// as it is already true
val Restate = Axiom(xs === xs)


For example:

// example of how to use Restate (which is just True)
// effectively, x === x always holds! 
// we write it as Restate to emphasize our intention
val rewritingTerms = Theorem(xs === xs):
    === xs ==< Restate


And we can adapt this into a larger example:

// an example to how we can unfold visual definitions 
// to emphasize terms in a proof
val unfoldingDefs = Theorem(List(x) ++ Nil === List(x)):
  List(x) ++ Nil
    // we are simply rewriting the Scala definition of List(_)
    // the proof would work just fine without it, 
    // but proofs aren't written just for computers, 
    // there's human readability and convenience to consider!
    === (x :: Nil) ++ Nil ==< Restate
    === x :: (Nil ++ Nil) ==< Append.ConsCase
    === x :: Nil          ==< Append.NilCase
    === List(x)           ==< Restate


Proof of MapSingleFlatten ⭐️

Based on the provided axioms, prove the statement: === xs

for all lists xs. The proof is done in two parts, by induction, same as on paper.

As before, the proofs can be run and checked with ~runMain itp.theorems in sbt.

Base Case

First, complete the base case without assumptions:

// Base Case
val singleNil = Theorem( === Nil):


Inductive Case

Finally, complete the inductive case with the provided induction hypothesis:

// Induction Hypothesis
val IH = === xs

// Inductive Case
val singleInduct = Theorem(
  IH ==> ((x :: xs).map(single).flatten === (x :: xs))
  (x :: xs).map(single).flatten


Background: proof checking

Proof checking is often a surprisingly complicated task. Many tools have been developed to help with this, called proof assistants. As the name suggests, these often provide more information than just checking your proofs, nudging you along the way. Some popular proof assistants are Coq, Lean, and Isabelle. A list of related tools can be found at EuroProofNet/Tools.

Our little proof checking interface is based on an in-house proof assistant written in Scala, called Lisa. Lisa is provided with the exercises as a JAR file in lib/. The syntax provided is a small subset of Lisa’s proof capabilities, i.e. restricted to equality proofs on lists. Lisa uses Set Theory as its mathematical foundations, and so does not have an inherent notion of types at all! The types available to you here are an imitation of Scala lists that generate expression trees, which are internally converted to Lisa expressions after erasing some of the type information.

There are many tactics and algorithms involved in expanding the equality proof from a single equality step you may write. Finally, these are reduced to some simple steps understood by Lisa’s core, the kernel. These are the rules of first-order logic as a sequent calculus. Limiting the core of the system to simple rules and building everything else on top of these allows you to be certain that your proofs are checked with confidence at the end!

In the rest of this exercise set, we practice some more proofs in this style.

Associativity of List Concatenation

The following are axioms for that follow from the definition of ++:

val NilCase   = Axiom((Nil ++ xs) === xs)
val ConsCase  = Axiom(((x :: xs) ++ ys) === (x :: (xs ++ ys)))


Using these axioms, use induction to prove the associativity law.

Base Case

val baseCase = Theorem(
  (Nil ++ ys) ++ zs === Nil ++ (ys ++ zs)


Inductive Case

val IH = (xs ++ ys) ++ zs === xs ++ (ys ++ zs)

val inductiveCase = Theorem(
  IH ==>
    ((x :: xs) ++ (ys ++ zs) === ((x :: xs) ++ ys) ++ zs)


Factoring out formulas

Proofs are chains of formulas and the justification of their equivalence. We can, in principle, define our own functions that manipulate formulas. In particular, our associativity condition can be parameterized by the expression that stands for the first list using the following function on expression trees representing formulas.

def assocFor(v: List[T]): PredicateFormula[List[T]] =
  (v ++ ys) ++ zs === v ++ (ys ++ zs)

// Theorems for base case and inductive case using assocFor shorthand


Use this abbreviation, rewrite the statements of the base case and inductive case to make them shorter.

Reversing Concatenation

Use the axioms that define reverse, as well as the previously proven associativity law as an axiom

object Append:
  val NilCase   = Axiom((Nil ++ xs) === xs)
  val ConsCase  = Axiom(((x :: xs) ++ ys) === (x :: (xs ++ ys)))
  val Assoc     = Axiom((xs ++ ys) ++ zs === xs ++ (ys ++ zs))
  val NilEnd    = Axiom((xs ++ Nil) === xs)

object Reverse:
  val NilCase   = Axiom(Nil.reverse === Nil)
  val ConsCase  = Axiom((x :: xs).reverse === xs.reverse ++ List(x))


to show

(xs ++ ys).reverse === (ys.reverse ++ xs.reverse)

We have defined abbreviation List(x) to stand for x :: Nil.

Base Case

val baseCase = Theorem(
  (Nil ++ ys).reverse === (ys.reverse ++ Nil.reverse)


Inductive Case

val IH = 

val inductiveCase = Theorem(
  IH ==>
    (((x :: xs) ++ ys).reverse
      === ys.reverse ++ (x :: xs).reverse)


Reversing Reversal

We will next use several previously proven theorems as axioms:

object Append:
  val NilCase = Axiom((Nil ++ xs) === xs)
  val ConsCase = Axiom(((x :: xs) ++ ys) === (x :: (xs ++ ys)))
  val Assoc = Axiom((xs ++ ys) ++ zs === xs ++ (ys ++ zs))
  val NilEnd = Axiom((xs ++ Nil) === xs)

object Reverse:
  val NilCase = Axiom(Nil.reverse === Nil)
  val ConsCase = Axiom((x :: xs).reverse === xs.reverse ++ List(x))
  val AppendCase = Axiom((xs ++ ys).reverse === (ys.reverse ++ xs.reverse))

// if we are simply rewriting a step, we can say it follows from reflexivity
// note that adding x === x as an axiom does not change anything
// as it is already true
val Restate = Axiom(xs === xs)


to show that reversing the list twice gives us back the original list:

xs.reverse.reverse === xs

Base Case

val baseCase = Theorem(
  Nil.reverse.reverse === Nil


Inductive Case

val IH = (xs.reverse.reverse === xs)

val inductiveCase = Theorem(
  IH ==>
    ((x :: xs).reverse.reverse === (x :: xs))


Trees with inOrder Traversal ⭐️

Trees are also amenable to equational proofs. We can do proofs by induction by assuming property of two subtrees, left, right and proving that it holds for the overall tree Node(left, x, right).

In this exercise, we only show how to use equational proofs on a non-recursive function. However, the function uses list concatenation, so we will need to make use of the previously proven associativity of concatenation.

Specifically, we wish to prove that balancing a binary tree using a rotation operation preserves the order of elements. The rotation we consider is the following transformation:

          q                         p
         / \                       / \
        p   c       ====>         a   q
       / \                           / \
      a   b                         b   c

To compute the list associated with a tree we use the function inOrder that computes the list associated with the elements of the tree.

The property we wish to prove corresponds to applying inOrder to both sides of the transformation pictured above.

Node(Node(a, p, b), q, c).inOrder === Node(a, p, Node(b, q, c)).inOrder

The behavior of inOrder as well as the other relevant axioms are the following:

object InOrder:
  val EmptyCase   = Axiom(Empty.inOrder === Nil)
  val NodeCase    = Axiom(Node(left, x, right).inOrder 
                        === left.inOrder ++ (List(x) ++ right.inOrder))

object Append:
  val NilCase     = Axiom((Nil ++ xs) === xs)
  val ConsCase    = Axiom(((x :: xs) ++ ys) === (x :: (xs ++ ys)))
  val Assoc       = Axiom(((xs ++ ys) ++ zs) === (xs ++ (ys ++ zs)))


Direct Proof

Try to prove the theorem in a single proof from left to right. Our solution has 7 steps.

val rotationInvariance = Theorem(
  Node(Node(a, p, b), q, c).inOrder === Node(a, p, Node(b, q, c)).inOrder


Proof Using Lemmas

Sometimes it can be difficult to see how to construct a left to right proof directly. Of course, we can write the lines of the proof in any order; once we are done, we can ask the system to check the resulting proof. But we can do even more. We can prove individual equations for parts of the transformation, then combine them into a larger one. Such proof may not be as pretty or even as short, but it may better reflect your problem-solving strategy.

In our example, it makes sense to try to expand, on both sides, the application of inOrder as much as the input tree reveals. Try to compose your proof using several lemmas, including the following ones. You may need to define some lemmas on your own as well.

val lemma1 = Theorem(
  Node(Node(a, p, b), q, c).inOrder
    === (a.inOrder ++ (List(p) ++ b.inOrder)) ++ (List(q) ++ c.inOrder)

val lemma2 = Theorem(
  Node(a, p, Node(b, q, c)).inOrder
    === (a.inOrder ++ (List(p) ++ (b.inOrder ++ (List(q) ++ c.inOrder))))


val rotationInvarianceFromLemmas = Theorem(
  Node(Node(a, p, b), q, c).inOrder === Node(a, p, Node(b, q, c)).inOrder
