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Welcome to week 10 of CS-214 — Software Construction!

This exercise set is intended to help you explore mutation and reasoning about programs correctness.

As usual, ⭐️ indicates the most important exercises and questions and 🔥 indicates the most challenging ones.

You do not need to complete all exercises to succeed in this class, and you do not need to do all exercises in the order they are written.

We strongly encourage you to solve the exercises on paper first, in groups. After completing a first draft on paper, you may want to check your solutions on your computer. To do so, you can download the scaffold code (ZIP).

Proofs of imperative algorithms (Hoare logic)

In this section, we will take a look at how we can make sure that imperative programs are actually correct.

This is related to what you did in the Specifications exercises, when you translated properties into code. Here you will perform a similar task, but you will also write invariants, which are properties that stay true throughout the execution of a program and help to prove that some properties hold.

Absolute value ⭐️

We will start with the absolute value function on Int with the following definition:

def abs(x: Int): Int = {
  if x < 0 then -x else x
} ensuring (res =>


What does this function guarantee? What is the condition that the result of the absolute value function must satisfy mathematically? Complete the ensuring above.

The max function ⭐️

Let us start with the max function on List[Int] and Array[Int]. You can choose which version you want to implement. We require that the list or the array is not empty.

def maxLoopArray(a: Array[Int]): Int =


def maxLoopList(l: List[Int]): Int =



As you need a function to work on for the rest of the exercise, here is a working implementation of max:

def maxLoopArray(a: Array[Int]): Int =
  var index = 1
  var max = a(0)
  while index < a.length do
    if a(index) > max then max = a(index)
    index += 1


def maxLoopList(l: List[Int]): Int =
  var list = l.tail
  var max = l.head
  while !list.isEmpty do
    if list.head > max then
      max = list.head
    list = list.tail


We now ask you to write a loop invariant for the max function. As a reminder, a loop invariant is a boolean condition that stays true throughout all executions of the loop. In particular, the invariant is true before and after the loop, and therefore helps to prove the correctness of the loop.

You can use the take and forall functions on List , knowing that:

assert(l.take(n+1) == l.take(n) ++ List(l(n)))
assert(l.forall(x => true))

These functions also exist on Array and work in a similar way.

def maxLoopListWithInvariant(l: List[Int]): Int =


def maxLoopArrayWithInvariant(a: Array[Int]): Int =
  require(a.size > 0)


The find function

Let us know take a look at the find function on List. The find function takes a predicate and a list and returns the first element of the list that satisfies the predicate. If no element satisfies the predicate, it returns None. We will use the following implementation:

def find(l: List[Int], p: Int => Boolean): Option[Int] = {
  def loop(l: List[Int]): Option[Int] =
    var li = l
    while !li.isEmpty do
      if p(li.head) then
        return Some(li.head)
      li = li.tail
  .ensuring(res => ???)


We want to prove that find is correct. Can you think of the post condition? If the function returns None, what should be true about the list? And if it returns Some(x), what should be true about x and the list?

First write the post condition of the function in the ensuring.

Then, we will write an invariant for the while loop. What should be true about the list at each iteration? Do we need a condition on the part of the list that was already visited?

Add your invariant condition in the asserts in the loop.

I can’t believe it can sort 🔥

In this exercise, we will analyze a sorting algorithm puzzle from a recent short paper. Here it is, implemented in Scala:

def swap(a: Array[Int], i: Int, j: Int): Unit =
  val tmp = a(i)
  a(i) = a(j)
  a(j) = tmp

def ICantBelieveItCanSort(a: Array[Int]): Unit =
  for i <- 0 until a.length do
    for j <- 0 until a.length do
      if a(i) < a(j) then
        swap(a, i, j)


It looks suspiciously similar to other sorting algorithms; for comparison, here is an insertion sort:

def insertionSort(a: Array[Int]): Unit =
  for i <- 1 until a.length do
    for j <- i until 0 by -1 do
      if a(j) < a(j - 1) then
        swap(a, j, j - 1)


… yet it’s not the same. In fact, this ICantBelieveItCanSort routine is not a good sorting algorithm — don’t use it! But it’s a good reasoning puzzle… why does it work? The authors write:

There is nothing good about this algorithm. It is slow – the algorithm obviously runs in $\Theta(n^2)$ time, whether worst-case, average-case or best-case. It unnecessarily compares all pairs of positions, twice. There seems to be no intuition behind it, and its correctness is not entirely obvious. You certainly do not want to use it as a first example to introduce students to sorting algorithms. It is not stable, does not work well for external sorting, cannot sort inputs arriving online, and does not benefit from partially sorted inputs.

You task is to understand why this algorithm correctly sorts its input array, and then write a proof of correctness for it. Coming up with the complete proof is hard; simply transcribing the proof provided by the authors would already be an excellent exercise.


Tracing the code may help you understand how it works.

Traced implementation
def highlight(a: Array[Int], is: Int*) =, k) => if is.contains(k) then f"[$x]" else f" $x ").mkString(", ")

def ICantBelieveItCanSort_traced(a: Array[Int]): Unit =
  for i <- 0 until a.length do
    println(f">> i=$i")
    for j <- 0 until a.length do
      if a(i) < a(j) then
        println(f">  j=$j ${highlight(a, i, j)}")
        swap(a, i, j)
        println(f">  j=$j ${highlight(a, i, j)}")


Strongest postconditions

In this section, we will take a look at the concept of strongest postconditions to reason about programs behaviour, and ultimately correctness.

The strongest postcondition is the most restrictive condition on the output of a program, given that the input satisfies a given condition. Let us say we are analyzing the following function f:

def f(x: BigInt): BigInt = {
  require(x > 0)
  x + 1
} ensuring (res => ???)


Note that we are using BigInt, which represents natural numbers, so we don’t have to worry about overflows.

We are looking for a condition sp such that f returns a value that satisfies sp if the input x satisfies the precondition x > 0. Moreover, we want sp to be the most restrictive (“strongest”) possible.


def f(x: BigInt): BigInt = {
  require(x > 0)
  x + 1
} ensuring (res => res > 1)


In this example, the strongest postcondition is x => x > 1. Indeed, for all x > 0, f returns a value that is greater than 1. Moreover, we cannot find a more restrictive condition.

We can also think of the strongest postcondition in terms of set of values for the input and output. Let us call the set of values that satisfy the precondition P and a set of values that satisfy the postcondition Q. Then, the strongest postcondition is the smallest set of values Q such that for all x in P, f(x) is in Q. In our example, P = {x | x > 0} and Q = {x | x > 1}.

Strongest postcondition calculations are useful to check specifications: if we have a precondition (require) and a postcondition (ensuring) for a given program, then we can check that the postcondition follows from the precondition by checking that the strongest postcondition implies the stated postcondition. Formally, it is:

assert(if sp(x) then ensuring(x) else false)


$$ \forall x: x \in Q \implies x \in S $$

where $S$ is the set of all outputs permitted by the user-supplied ensuring clause.

Strongest postcondition for pure functions

Now that we know what a strongest postcondition is, let us find one for the following functions:

def f1(x: BigInt): BigInt = {
  require(x > 0)
  2 * x
} ensuring (y => ???)


def f2(x: BigInt): BigInt = {
  require(x > 2 && x <= 10)
  if x < 5 then BigInt(0) else x
} ensuring (res => ???)


def f3(x: BigInt): BigInt = {
  require((x > 0 && x < 9) || (x >= 20 && x < 26))
  if x < 6 then x + 1
  else if x < 23 then 3 * x
  else -2 * x
} ensuring (y => ???)


Try to think of arguments as symbolic values rather than concrete. This means that you should think of x as a variable containing a natural number constrained by the precondition. Then you go through the code and for each new condition, you create a new condition to a mental set. When you encounter a modification or return statement, you also add a condition to the one of the branch you are in, connected with a conjunction. At then end, you can take a disjunction of the conditions you created for each branch.

This technique can be implemented mechanically, and this is called Symbolic Execution. It can be used in practice to prove postconditions of programs.

Strongest postcondition for imperative functions

Now, let us take a look at imperative functions — try to find the strongest postconditions of these programs!

def imperativeF1(x: BigInt): BigInt = {
  require(x >= -1 && x <= 4)
  var y = x
  var z = BigInt(1)
  if y > 0 then z *= 4
  if y < 4 then z *= 2
  if y % 2 == 0 then z -= 3

} ensuring (z => ???)


def imperativeF2(x: BigInt): BigInt = {
  require(x >= -5 && x <= 5)
  var y = x
  var z = BigInt(0)
  while y * y > 0 do
    z += 1
    if y > 0 then y -= 1
    else y += 1
} ensuring (z => ???)


Bottom-up merge sort: saving memory with mutation ⭐️

Bottom-up merge sort is a variant of merge sort that uses a different algorithm to merge two sorted lists. In the functional programming paradigm, we have used the foldt trick. In the imperative paradigm, we will use mutation on Arrays. This variant will be in-place meaning that we will directly modify the input array instead of creating a new one.

The benefit of having an in-place algorithm is that we do not need to allocate a new array for each merge. This saves memory and is more efficient. However, it is more difficult to implement and to reason about. This algorithm will be a good exercise to practice imperative programming and to see how mutation can be used to save memory. It will allocate a new array only once, at the beginning of the algorithm.

For this exercise, we will sort Arrays of size $2^k$ for some $k \in \mathbb{N}$. This is not a limitation of the algorithm, but it will simplify the implementation.

The idea is the following, with an array a of length $n = 2^k$ for some $k \in \mathbb{N}$:

Here is an example of execution of this merge-sort algorithm, with the array [15, 4, 18, 11]:

You can see that the array is sorted at the end.

The implementation will be divided into two parts:

You can start from the following template:

def sort(original: Array[Int]): Array[Int] =
  val n = original.length


def merge(a: Array[Int], b: Array[Int], indexLeft: Int, width: Int) =


merge is a function that will take three extra arguments:

In other words, the left run is a[indexLeft: indexLeft + width), the right run is a[indexLeft + width: indexLeft + 2 * width) and the merged run should be b[indexLeft: indexLeft + 2 * width), where [a:b) means from index a (included) to index b (excluded).

A more efficient implementation would not copy the content of the array but swap their roles and return either a or b depending on which one is the output array. This would save the copy of the array at the end of each run. However, this would make the algorithm more difficult to understand and to reason about. So, it is up to you!

Idea for the really curious ones ;) :

  • You can try to implement this more efficient version.
  • How would you adapt your algorithm to handle non-power of two arrays?



When running code, it can be useful to print what is going on for debugging. In order to do so, let us define a trait Logger:

trait Logger:
  def log(message: String, depth: Int = 0): Unit


Unlike in the lecture — in which we referred to a Logger without using depth — the depth argument is used to indent the message. It is employed to print the message in a tree-like structure. For example, if the depth is 2, the message will be printed with two indentations before it.

Suppose the code is logging the following messages:

logger.log("= Head of the tree")
logger.log("= Sub-element", 1)
logger.log("= Sub-sub-element", 2)
logger.log("= Sub-element", 1)
logger.log("= Sub-sub-element 1", 2)
logger.log("= Sub-sub-element 2", 2)

The output should be:

= Head of the tree
  = Sub-element
    = Sub-sub-element
  = Sub-element
    = Sub-sub-element 1
    = Sub-sub-element 2

You have seen this structure already in log messages of tests. Example:

  + length: empty list 0.008s
  + length: list with 2 elements 0.0s
  + length: list with 4 elements 0.0s
  + computeOccurrenceList: abcd (3pts) 0.032s
  + computeOccurrenceList: Robert (3pts) 0.0s

Your implementation must comply to these rules to pass the tests. You are free to use any character of your liking (either a space, two spaces, four spaces, a tab, …) for the indentation.

It will help to make the output more readable for the next exercise.

Let’s implement a LoggerBuffered that will accumulate messages in a private buffer mutable field as the following:

class LoggerBuffered extends Logger:
  // private var ???

  def log(message: String, depth: Int = 0): Unit =
  def getOutput: String =


Adding logs to eval

Let’s refer to a simple evaluator for the following ADT:

enum Expr:
  case Constant(a: Int)
  case Add(a: Expr, b: Expr)
  case Sub(a: Expr, b: Expr)


and implement the function that evaluates such an expression, but for every expression that is evaluated, you need to log every performed operation using the given Logger l:

def eval(e: Expr, l: Logger, depth: Int = 0): Int =


And here is an example: the following snippet

val l = new LoggerBuffered
eval(Add(Add(Constant(1), Constant(2)), Constant(3)), l)


Add(Constant(1),Constant(2)) + Constant(3) ->
  Constant(1) + Constant(2) ->
    Constant(1) = 1
    Constant(2) = 2
  = 3
  Constant(3) = 3
= 6

The output may be a bit different depending on the strings you print for each operation, but it should be similar. Note that the tests will expect a specific output. So not passing the tests on this exercise does not mean that your solution is wrong, it may just be different.

Here are the specific outputs:

  • eval(Constant(0))

    should log

    Constant(0) = 0
  • eval(Add(Constant(1), Constant(2)))

    shoud log

    Constant(1) + Constant(2) ->
      Constant(1) = 1
      Constant(2) = 2
    = 3

    where the two lines with Constant(1) = 1 and Constant(2) = 2 are logged with depth 1.

  • eval(Sub(Constant(1), Constant(2)))

    shoud log

    Constant(1) - Constant(2) ->
      Constant(1) = 1
      Constant(2) = 2
    = -1

    where the two lines with Constant(1) = 1 and Constant(2) = 2 are logged with depth 1.

  • The first given example also satisfies the expected output.

Adding logs to a stack interpreter

A practical foldLeft ⭐️

In this exercise, you will write an interpreter for a small stack language. We already saw this concept in the exercises about polymorphism in week 4. This version is a bit different though.

The language offers the following operations:

enum Operation:
  case Push(n: Int)
  case Add
  case Sub

type Program = List[Operation]


This language then offers constant integer values, as well as addition and subtraction operations.

For example, the arithmetic expression 1 + 2 - 3 + 4 would be expressed by the following Program:

val p = List(Push(1), Push(2), Add, Push(3), Sub, Push(4), Add)

We will write a stack machine based interpreter for this language.

A stack machine interpreter uses a stack and reads the tokens from a Program (i.e., a list of operations) one after the other. For each operation, it performs the following:

After reading the whole program, the stack should contain a single element, which is the result of the program.

This model is used in practice by the WASM virtual machine, which runs WASM bytecode in browsers. It is also used by the JVM to run Java bytecode.

For those who are learning about RISCV in the architecture course: the stack machine model we are using here is an alternative to the register machine model that RISCV was designed for.


Let us start by writing a recursive version of the interpreter. To start, you will implement a function that takes a stack (in this case, it is represented by a List[Int]) and one Operation and returns a new stack. The returned stack corresponds to the state of the stack after the operation has been executed:

  def evalOp(stack: Stack, op: Operation): Stack =


No, write two copies of the recursive version of the eval function which interprets an entire program, starting with an empty stack: one using plain recursion without calling higher-order list functions, and one with foldLeft:

  def eval(p: List[Operation]): Stack =


Now imperative 🔥

Write down the operations that the recursive algorithm performs, step by step, on an example. How does the stack evolve? Can you replicate this behavior with a mutable Stack from the Scala library?

  def eval(p: List[Operation]): Stack[Int] =


You may want to revisit this part of the exercise next week, where we’ll study a systematic way to transform left folds into loops.

Adding logs ⭐️

In this step, we will add logging to the interpreter. The goal is to log every operation that is performed on the stack. For example, the following instructions:

Push(1), Push(2), Add, Push(3), Sub, Push(4), Add

should log the following:

Push(1) →
  Stack: 1
Push(2) →
  Stack: 2 1
Add →
  Stack: 3
Push(3) →
  Stack: 3 3
Sub →
  Stack: 0
Push(4) →
  Stack: 4 0
Add →
  Stack: 4

It’s to you how to implement the logging: the only requirements is that you should log the operation that is performed and the stack at each step.

You are free to use either the recursive or the imperative version of the interpreter.