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Welcome to week 4 of CS-214 — Software Construction!
The exercise set is intended to help you practice lists and polymorphism.
As usual, ⭐️ indicates the most important exercises and questions; 🔥, the most challenging ones; and 🔜, the ones that are useful to prepare for future lectures. Exercises or questions marked 🧪 are intended to build up to concepts used in this week’s lab.
You do not need to complete all exercises to succeed in this class, and you do not need to do all exercises in the order they are written.
We strongly encourage you to solve the exercises on paper first, in groups. After completing a first draft on paper, you may want to check your solutions on your computer. To do so, you can download the scaffold code (ZIP).
Warm-up: Polymorphic Lists ⭐️
In previous exercises and labs, we used IntList
for lists which elements are integers. This week, we’ll move to polymorphic lists.
Reminder: Algebraic Data Types
In week 3, we learned that algebraic data types can be created with the enum
construct. Check the previous lecture or this for more details.
Polymorphic lists can be defined as an algebraic data type in the following way:
enum MyList[+A]:
case Nil
case Cons(x: A, xs: MyList[A])
The +
before A
indicates that List
is covariant in A
. Check this for more details, or ignore it for now — we will cover it later!
We’ll use the above MyList
type in this exercise.
Check Yourself
How would you define the isEmpty
, head
, and tail
methods on such polymorphic lists?
def isEmpty: Boolean = this match
case Nil => true
case _ => false
def head: A = this match
case Nil => throw EmptyListException()
case Cons(x, _) => x
def tail: MyList[A] = this match
case Nil => throw EmptyListException()
case Cons(_, xs) => xs
Functions on Polymorphic Lists ⭐️
Part 1: Higher-order functions
Common Operators on Lists
In previous weeks, we have implemented higher-order functions on IntList
s. For example, map
was defined as:
def map(l: IntList)(f: Int => Int): IntList =
l match
case IntNil => IntNil
case IntCons(x, xs) => IntCons(f(x), map(xs)(f))
In contrast, the generic version of the function map
(whose type consists of type parameters instead of concrete types like IntList
and Int => Int
) has the following signature:
def map[A, B](l: MyList[A])(f: A => B): MyList[B]
Based on the example above, write a generic signature for
, andzipWith
.Check Yourself
def map[A, B](l: MyList[A])(f: A => B): MyList[B] = ??? def filter[A](l: MyList[A])(p: A => Boolean): MyList[A] = ??? def foldRight[A, B](l: MyList[A])(f: (A, B) => B, base: B): B = ??? def reduceRight[A](l: MyList[A])(f: (A, A) => A): A = ??? def forall[A](l: MyList[A])(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = ??? def exists[A](l: MyList[A])(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = ??? def zip[A, B](l1: MyList[A], l2: MyList[B]): MyList[(A, B)] = ??? def zipWith[A, B, C](l1: MyList[A], l2: MyList[B])(op: (A, B) => C): MyList[C] = ???
In previous exercises, we had separate implementations for
(we had to handle the cases of returning an integer and returning anIntList
separately).Do we need to define a similar
on polymorphic lists?Check Yourself
No, type variable
can be instantiated toMyList[Int]
. -
Implement these eight higher-order functions (
plus all other ones above) onMyList
using pattern matching.
def map[A, B](l: MyList[A])(f: A => B): MyList[B] =
l match
case Nil => Nil
case Cons(x, xs) => Cons(f(x), map(xs)(f))
def filter[A](l: MyList[A])(p: A => Boolean): MyList[A] =
l match
case Nil => Nil
case Cons(x, xs) => if p(x) then Cons(x, filter(xs)(p)) else filter(xs)(p)
def foldRight[A, B](l: MyList[A])(f: (A, B) => B, base: B): B =
l match
case Nil => base
case Cons(x, xs) => f(x, foldRight(xs)(f, base))
def reduceRight[A](l: MyList[A])(f: (A, A) => A): A =
l match
case Nil => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty list!")
case Cons(x, Nil) => x
case Cons(x, xs) => f(x, reduceRight(xs)(f))
def forall[A](l: MyList[A])(p: A => Boolean): Boolean =
l match
case Nil => true
case Cons(x, xs) => p(x) && forall(xs)(p)
def exists[A](l: MyList[A])(p: A => Boolean): Boolean =
l match
case Nil => false
case Cons(x, xs) => p(x) || exists(xs)(p)
def zip[A, B](l1: MyList[A], l2: MyList[B]): MyList[(A, B)] =
(l1, l2) match
case (Cons(x, xs), Cons(y, ys)) => Cons((x, y), zip(xs, ys))
case _ => Nil
def zipWith[A, B, C](l1: MyList[A], l2: MyList[B])(op: (A, B) => C): MyList[C] =
(l1, l2) match
case (Cons(x, xs), Cons(y, ys)) => Cons(op(x, y), zipWith(xs, ys)(op))
case _ => Nil
Using List APIs
Use the list APIs to:
Implement function
which converts every element of a list to a string (you may need the.toString
function):def elementsAsStrings[A](l: MyList[A]): MyList[String] = ???
Reimplement functions from previous exercises on polymorphic lists:
def length[A](l: MyList[A]): Int = ??? def takeWhilePositive(l: MyList[Int]): MyList[Int] = ??? def last[A](l: MyList[A]): A = ???
Adapt the string functions
to operate on lists of characters:val capitalizeString: MyList[Char] => MyList[Char] = TODO def wordCount(l: MyList[Char]): Int = ???
Beware: the solution we gave in week 1 for
doesn’t express itself naturally as afold
… 🔥 try to look for a different one!Strings and Lists
represent sequences of characters. However, it’s usually more efficient and convenient to useString
for text processing and manipulation in Scala becauseString
has optimized storage for texts and rich APIs tailored for text operations.Later this year, we will see a more general trait that covers both
s andString
s. This will allow us to write unified code for both.
def elementsAsStrings[A](l: MyList[A]): MyList[String] = map(l)(_.toString())
def length[A](l: MyList[A]): Int = foldRight(l)((_, acc) => 1 + acc, 0) def takeWhilePositive(l: MyList[Int]): MyList[Int] = foldRight(l)( (x, acc) => if x > 0 then Cons(x, acc) else Nil, Nil ) def last[A](l: MyList[A]): A = reduceRight(l)((x, acc) => acc)
val capitalizeString: MyList[Char] => MyList[Char] = map(_)(c => c.toUpper) case class WordCountState(count: Int, lastWasWS: Boolean) def wordCount(l: MyList[Char]): Int = foldLeft(l)( WordCountState(0, true), (state: WordCountState, c: Char) => val cIsWS = c.isWhitespace val count = state.count + (if state.lastWasWS && !cIsWS then 1 else 0) WordCountState(count, cIsWS) ).count
Part 2: More functions: flatMap and cross-product
You may have come across flatMap
, a powerful higher-order function that can be used to transform and flatten container datatypes, such as lists.
def flatMap[A, B](l: MyList[A])(f: A => MyList[B]): MyList[B] =
The idea of flatMap(f)(l)
- Map: apply a function
to each element of the listl
, wheref
returns a list; - Flatten: concatenate all the resulting lists into a single list.
For example,
object FlatMapExamples:
val numbers: MyList[Int] = Cons(2, Cons(3, Nil))
val mapped = map(numbers)((n: Int) =>
Cons(n, Cons(n * 2, Nil))
// For simplicity, we write Cons as `::` in the results.
// Result: (2 :: 4 :: Nil) :: (3 :: 6 :: Nil)
val flatMapped = flatMap(numbers)((n: Int) =>
Cons(n, Cons(n * 2, Nil))
// Result: 2 :: 4 :: 3 :: 6 :: Nil
. You may use theappend
function that we included in the starting code. -
takes a list of lists, and returns the concatenation of all the lists list:def flatten[A](l: MyList[MyList[A]]): MyList[A] = ???
def flatMap[A, B](l: MyList[A])(f: A => MyList[B]): MyList[B] =
l match
case Nil => Nil
case Cons(x, xs) => f(x) ++ flatMap(xs)(f)
def flatten[A](l: MyList[MyList[A]]): MyList[A] =
The cross-product function, often referred to as the Cartesian product, produces all possible pairs (combinations) of elements from two lists.
def crossProduct[A, B](l1: MyList[A], l2: MyList[B]): MyList[(A, B)] =
For example, given a list of main dishes and a list of side dishes, we can use crossProduct
to generate all possible meal combinations:
object CrossProductExamples:
val mains = Cons("burger", Cons("Pizza", Cons("Pasta", Nil)))
val sides = Cons("Salad", Cons("Soup", Nil))
val meals = crossProduct(mains, sides)
// Result:
// ("burger", "Salad") :: ("burger", "Soup") :: ("Pizza", "Salad") ::
// ("Pizza", "Soup") :: ("Pasta", "Salad") :: ("Pasta", "Soup") :: Nil
- Implement
def crossProduct[A, B](l1: MyList[A], l2: MyList[B]): MyList[(A, B)] =
flatMap(l1)(a => map(l2)(b => (a, b)))
Triangles in Directed Graphs
Consider a directed graph given by its set of (directed) edges stored as a list of pairs of nodes:
type NodeId = Int
type DirectedEdge = (NodeId, NodeId)
type DirectedGraph = MyList[DirectedEdge]
type Triangle = (NodeId, NodeId, NodeId)
Define the triangles
function that finds all cycles of length 3, with three distinct nodes, in the given graph.
def triangles(edges: DirectedGraph): MyList[Triangle] =
You can make use of flatMap
, map
and filter
Each cycle should appear only once. For instance, given the edges:
Cons((1, 2), Cons((2, 3), Cons((3, 1), Nil)))
You should return exactly one of the three following possibilities:
(1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 1), (3, 1, 2)
You are free to decide which of the three you return.
def triangles(edges: DirectedGraph): MyList[Triangle] =
flatMap(edges)(e0 =>
e0 match
case (a, b) if a < b =>
flatMap(edges): e1 => // This colon syntax is equivalent to (e1 =>
e1 match
case (`b`, c) if a < c =>
map(filter(edges)(e3 =>
e3 match
case (`c`, `a`) => true
case _ => false
))(_ => (a, b, c))
case _ => Nil
case _ => Nil
Option Type
In last week’s exercises, we use a custom type LookupResult
for the result of looking up in a context:
enum LookupResult:
case Ok(v: Int)
case NotFound
It’s always good to explore the Scala standard library. After all, why use a custom type when there is something suitable in the standard library?
Can you find a suitable type for LookupResult
One suitable choice is already given by the title: the Option type!
Part 1. Basic Usage
The basic usage of Option
type is as the return type of functions that might not always return a valid value.
Implement findFirstEvenNumber
to return the first even number in the list, or None
is there isn’t one.
def findFirstEvenNumber(l: List[Int]): Option[Int] =
def findFirstEvenNumber(l: List[Int]): Option[Int] =
l.find(_ % 2 == 0)
def findFirstEvenNumber_ByHand(l: List[Int]): Option[Int] =
l match
case Nil => None
case hd :: _ if hd % 2 == 0 => Some(hd)
case _ :: tl => findFirstEvenNumber_ByHand(tl)
Part 2. Drawing Parallels with List
in Standard Library
Notice that Option
also has map
, flatMap
, filter
just like List
. Do you know why?
An option is like a list with only one element.
In this part, we use the List
) from the standard library.
You can compare the definition of map
, flatMap
and filter
in standard library List
methods with Option
’s. Do the definitions line up? What’s the difference between the definitions on scala.collection.immutable.List
and our custom polymorphic lists poly.List
. Then, definefindSquartRootFromString
to chain these two functions to parse a string and find its square root.def parseStringToInt(s: String): Option[Int] = ??? def findSquareRoot(n: Int): Option[Double] = ??? def findSquareRootFromString(s: String): Option[Double] = ???
🔜 Given a list of strings representing integers:
val numberStrings: List[String] = List("1", "2", "star", "4")
Try to use
to convert them in integers. What issues do you face?Now, use the member method
and theparseStringToInt
function to safely convert them.val numbers = TODO
Check Yourself 🔥
Can you do the same trick using our custom lists
and definition offlatMap
instead? Why or why not?Solution
The fact that we can line up
easily is because in the standard library, bothList
are subtypes ofIterableOnce
, and signatures of useful methods make use of the supertypeInterableOnce
. For example, the signature offlatMap
isdef flatMap[B](f: A => IterableOnce[B]): List[B]
.We will cover this more advanced API at two points later in the course: first to introduce comprehensions, and then more generally monads.
def parseStringToInt(s: String): Option[Int] = s.toIntOption def findSquareRoot(n: Int): Option[Double] = if n >= 0 then Some(Math.sqrt(n)) else None def findSquareRootFromString(s: String): Option[Double] = parseStringToInt(s).flatMap(findSquareRoot)
val numbers = numberStrings.flatMap(parseStringToInt)
FoldLeft and Tail Recursion 🧪
We say that a function is tail recursive if the last thing it does along all of its code paths is to call itself. For example, the following function is not tail recursive:
def length0(l: MyList[Int]): Int = l match
case Nil => 0
case Cons(x, xs) => 1 + length0(xs)
Indeed, after calling itself recursively, the function length0
adds one to its own result.
In contrast, the inner loop
function below is tail recursive:
def lengthTR(l: MyList[Int]): Int =
def length(l: MyList[Int], prefixLength: Int): Int = l match
case Nil => prefixLength
case Cons(x, xs) => length(xs, prefixLength + 1)
length(l, 0)
Indeed, it does not do anything further after calling itself with an incremented prefixLength
. This property allows the compiler to optimize the recursion completely: the function named length
above will in fact be converted to a simple for
loop by the compiler.
🔜 We will learn much more about tail recursion in week 11.
Reasoning about tail recursion
Use the substitution method to evaluate length0
and lengthTR
on various inputs. Do they return the same thing? Can you conjecture an equation relating the inner length
function to length0
They return the same results. The following equation holds: ∀ l n. length(l, n) = n + length0(l)
Is the following function tail-recursive?
def sum0(l: MyList[Int]): Int = l match case Nil => 0 case Cons(x, xs) => x + sum0(xs)
What happens if you run uncomment the following test, which runs
on a list with 50000 elements?// test("sum0: large list"): // assertEquals(sum0(manyNumbers1), N)
Can you think of a tail-recursive way to write
?def sum1(l: MyList[Int]): Int = // @tailrec // Uncomment this line. def sum(l: MyList[Int], acc: Int): Int = ??? sum(l, 0)
In Scala, the `@tailrec` annotation is a directive for the compiler, indicating that the annotated method should be tail-recursive. If the method is not tail-recursive, the compiler will raise a compile-time error. -
What happens if you run
with a very long list?
Not tail-recursive.
A “stack overflow”: each recursive call consumes a bit of memory, until space runs out.
Here is one version:
def sum1(l: MyList[Int]): Int = @tailrec def sum(l: MyList[Int], acc: Int): Int = l match case Nil => acc case Cons(x, xs) => sum(xs, acc + x) sum(l, 0)
This time there’s no stack overflow, because the compiler was able to eliminate recursion.
Similar to foldRight
, foldLeft
processes the list from the leftmost (head) element to the rightmost element.
The main difference between foldLeft
and foldRight
is that foldLeft
is typically implemented using tail recursion, while foldRight
is the opposite.
:// @tailrec // Uncomment this line. def foldLeft[A, B](l: MyList[A])(base: B, f: (B, A) => B): B = ???
, definesum1Fold
:def sum0Fold(l: MyList[Int]): Int = ??? def sum1Fold(l: MyList[Int]): Int = ???
:def reverseAppend[A](l1: MyList[A], l2: MyList[A]): MyList[A] = ???
takes a list of integers and returns the number of even integers in the list;totalLength
takes a list of strings and return the sum of each string’s length.val countEven: MyList[Int] => Int = TODO val totalLength: MyList[String] => Int = TODO
@tailrec def foldLeft[A, B](l: MyList[A])(base: B, f: (B, A) => B): B = l match case Nil => base case Cons(x, xs) => foldLeft(xs)(f(base, x), f)
def sum0Fold(l: MyList[Int]): Int = foldRight(l)((x, acc) => x + acc, 0) def sum1Fold(l: MyList[Int]): Int = foldLeft(l)(0, (acc, x) => x + acc)
def reverseAppend[A](l1: MyList[A], l2: MyList[A]): MyList[A] = foldLeft(l1)(l2, (acc, x) => Cons(x, acc))
val countEven: MyList[Int] => Int = (l: MyList[Int]) => foldLeft(l)( 0, (acc, x) => (if x % 2 == 0 then 1 else 0) + acc ) val totalLength: MyList[String] => Int = l => foldLeft(map((l))(_.length))(0, _ + _)
Currying and Composition
You can check the previous exercises for currying and composition in Week 1: Higher-order Functions.
Use map
and zip
to implement the curried version curriedZipWith
of zipWith
Defining polymorphic function values
Reference: Polymorphic Function Types.
// A polymorphic method:
def foo[A](xs: List[A]): List[A] = ???
// A polymorphic function value:
val bar = [A] => (xs: List[A]) => foo(xs)
has type [A] => List[A] => List[A]
. This type describes function values which take a type A
as a parameter, then take a list of type List[A]
, and return a list of the same type List[A]
val curriedZipWith: [A, B, C] => ((A, B) => C) => MyList[A] => MyList[B] => MyList[C] =
val curriedZipWith: [A, B, C] => ((A, B) => C) => MyList[A] => MyList[B] => MyList[C] =
[A, B, C] =>
(op: (A, B) => C) =>
(l1: MyList[A]) =>
(l2: MyList[B]) =>
map(zip(l1, l2))(t => op(t._1, t._2))
Polymorphic Composition 🔥
In previous exercises we defined a function
to compose functionsf: Int => Double
andg: Double => String
. Generalize this function to arbitrary pairs of types, using polymorphic argument types. -
What is the neutral element for the generalized
? -
In previous exercises, we defined
for functions onInt
. To make it more general, we can defineandLifter
for functions of arbitrary input types:def andLifter[A](f: A => Boolean, g: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = a => f(a) && g(a)
… and we can generalize further! Look at the following four functions; do they have anything in common?
def orLifter[A](f: A => Boolean, g: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = a => f(a) || g(a) def sumLifter[A](f: A => Int, g: A => Int): A => Int = a => f(a) + g(a) def listConcatLifter[A, B](f: A => MyList[B], g: A => MyList[B]): A => MyList[B] = a => f(a) ++ g(a)
Write a
higher-order function to capture the common pattern above, and use it to rewrite all four lifters that we’ve seen up to this point.def binaryLifter[A, B, C](f: A => B, g: A => B)(op: (B, B) => C): A => C = ???
def andLifter1[A](f: A => Boolean, g: A => Boolean) = ??? def orLifter1[A](f: A => Boolean, g: A => Boolean) = ??? def sumLifter1[A](f: A => Int, g: A => Int) = ??? def listConcatLifter1[A, B](f: A => MyList[B], g: A => MyList[B]) = ???
Similarly, we can implement a
to generate lifters likenotLifter
. Can you tell which functionunaryLifter
essentially is?
def compose[A, B, C](f: B => C, g: A => B): A => C = (a: A) => f(g(a))
def id[A](x: A) = x
def binaryLifter[A, B, C](f: A => B, g: A => B)(op: (B, B) => C): A => C = a => op(f(a), g(a))
can be implemented as:def unaryLifter[A, B, C](f: A => B)(op: B => C): A => C = a => op(f(a))
It’s the curried version of
Abstracting over recursion: recursors and inductions principles 🔥
The story of CS-214 is one of increasingly modular code: at this point, we’ve learned to abstract over functions (HOFs), types (polymorphism) and now we’ll even see how to abstract over effects.
As a little introduction to abstracting over effects, let’s see how to abstract over what happens when we make a recursive call.
A weak recursor for simple recursion
When we do a proof by induction on numbers, lists, or trees, we use an “induction principle” to separately consider the base case (0, empty list, leaf) and the inductive case ($n + 1$, h :: t
, Branch(l, r)
). In the inductive case, the induction principle gives us an induction hypothesis IH
: in weak induction this hypothesis gives us a proof for our direct predecessors ($n$, t
, l
and r
), and in strong induction it gives us a proof for all “smaller” objects (smaller numbers, shorter lists, smaller trees).
When we write recursive functions, we also have a base case (0, empty list, leaf, …) and an inductive case ($n + 1$, h :: t
, Branch(l, r)
), but we don’t typically use a general “recursion principle”. Let’s remediate that!
Formally, a (weak) recursion principle (or recursor) for a type T
is one that allows to define functions over T
by providing multiple non-recursive functions: one for each base case, and one for each recursive case (taking as arguments the result of the recursive call on the direct children/predecessors of the current value).
For example, the function wow
def wow(n: Int): String =
if n == 0 then "" // base case
else "!" + wow(n - 1) // recursive case
… can be rewritten like this:
val wowComb: Int => String = natRec("")(acc => "!" + acc)
… using the following natRec
def natRec[T](baseCase: => T)(recCase: T => T)(n: Int): T =
if n == 0 then baseCase
else recCase(natRec(baseCase)(recCase)(n - 1))
How would you define the function
?def even(n: Int): Boolean = if n == 0 then true // base case else !even(n - 1) // recursive case
val evenComb: Int => Boolean = cs214.TODO
Write a weak recursion principles for,
, andTree[T]
defined below. They should be such that you can define the following functions using them:val increment = listRec[Int, List[Int]](Nil)((h, acc) => h + 1 :: acc)
val allPositive = listRec[Int, Boolean](true)((h, acc) => h > 0 && acc)
Use these combinators to define a few additional functions, to get a feel of how they work.
Do you know
under a different name? -
What would a strong recursion principle look like?
We need to separate the base case and the inductive case:
val evenComb: Int => Boolean = natRec(true)(acc => !acc)
These functions should look familiar:
def listRec[T, U](nilCase: => U)(consCase: (T, U) => U)(l: List[T]): U = l match case Nil => nilCase case hd :: tl => consCase(hd, listRec(nilCase)(consCase)(tl))
val treeToString = treeRec[Int, String](_.toString)((strl, strr) => strl ++ strr)
No solution provided — share on Ed!
These are just
(map on leaves, reduce on branches)! The higher-order functions that we’ve been studying since week 1 and the proof principles that we’ve been studying since week three are in fact the exact same objects. This observation, that recursion and induction are the same, forms the theoretical basis of modern computer-based proofs assistant, including Stainless (one of Pr. Kunčak’s proof assistants) or Coq, and of two EPFL courses:- Formal Verification by Pr. Viktor Kunčak
- Interactive Theorem Proving CS by Pr. Clément Pit-Claudel
In the recursive case, we should have access to all results from previous calls. This means that the recursive cases in each of our functions needs to give access to all these cases.
This could be done by passing the function a list of all previously computed results (for lists, this would be
instead offoldRight
). More generally, we could simply give the recursive case a function which would perform recursive calls as requested. In that case we have a fixed point combinator:def fixpoint[A, B](f: (A, A => B) => B)(a: A): B = def loop(a: A): B = f(a, loop) f(a, loop)
It’s called a fixed point because we have
fixpoint(fib) === fib(fixpoint(fib))
(check it!).