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Autograded Exercises with Stainless
Welcome to a new exercise set of CS-214 — Software Construction!
As usual, ⭐️ indicates the most important exercises and questions and 🔥 indicates the most challenging ones.
You do not need to complete all exercises to succeed in this class, and you do not need to do all exercises in the order they are written.
To complete these exercises, you can download the scaffold code (ZIP).
We have prepared a set of exercises that will help you explore course concepts from previous weeks, while at the same time leveraging the Stainless software verifier under the hood. You will find Monday’s week 13 lecture Formal Verification helpful for these exercises.
The auto-prover is set up on our servers: you can run it by submitting your solutions on Moodle, just like for labs (but no worries! The score returned by the grader and the feedback are just for you: just like other exercises, they don’t impact your course grade in any way).
Autograding with Stainless
If you submit a solution, you will receive automated feedback based not only on tests, but also on formal verification against a set of solutions. In addition to testing, our autograder uses Stainless for formal equivalence checking mode.
Recall that, in contrast to testing, formal verification provides a guarantee that your programs are never wrongly classified as correct or incorrect, reducing the danger of misleading you. Compared to syntactic code comparison, this approach allows you to experiment with solutions beyond those envisioned by instructors.
Recommended Workflow: How to use the feedback.txt file
We recommend submitting your solutions and inspecting the generated feedback.txt
file. In the case where your solution fails on some test, or our verifier disproves the correctness of your submission, you will get as feedback an example input where your solution does not return the expected result. We encourage you to iterate on your solution and resubmit until you fully solve each problem. In the case where the feedback file reports safety errors for helper functions that you write, you should consider adding require
statements to those functions to ensure that the input parameters are valid.
Troubleshooting: How to use the logging.log file
The logging.log
file provides more details on the proofs made by the Stainless autograder. You can inspect the report at the end of the log file, in the stainless summary
sections, where you will find two tables indicating the list of properties that the autograder tries to prove. These properties can be preconditions, pattern matching exhaustiveness, termination checks, equivalence checks etc. There you will also find the outcome (valid, invalid, timeout, etc.) of the autograder for each of these properties. Timeout indicates that the autograder was neither able to prove nor disprove that a certain property holds. The log file also provides additional information in case some internal error occurs.
Notes on the Stainless Subset of Scala
The Stainless Autograder supports a subset of Scala, with a preference for purely functional constructs. This subset largely aligns with the concepts that we present in the course. However, there are some language constructs that are currently not supported. Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of unsupported language constructs together with recommendations on how to avoid them:
- If you need to use library functions (such as
), you will need to implement them yourself in the file that you are going to submit. For exercises operating on lists, we will already provide you with a customList
library, with a subset of the library functions that you are allowed to use in those exercises, without having to implement them yourself. - Stainless does not support
-comprehensions. Rather than writingfor
-loops, you should consider writing recursive functions. - Stainless does not support exceptions. You should write
statements to ensure that the function’s input parameters are valid.
To check whether you are staying within the fragment supported by Stainless, you can download the Stainless release and run stainless on your program. You can use command-line options to adjust stainless behavior. Command line options start with a double dash sign --
. Here are some of the most important ones:
- check-measures=no to skip checking termination
- infer-measures=no to skip inferring termination measures
- watch to keep stainless active and re-run whenever the files change
- solvers=smt-z3,smt-cvc5 to specify alternative theorem provers
- timeout=10 to specify 10 seconds as the maximal timeout for each proof obligation
- functions=f1,f2 to verify only functions f1 and f2
- strict-arithmetic=false to omit checks for wrap-around in modular arithmetic (errors are still checked)
Now that you know the essentials about Stainless and how to use this formal verifier, you can start with the exercises!
Review of Pattern Matching exercises
In this first section, we will review some of the exercises of week 3 exercise set on Pattern Matching. You can try to submit the solutions you wrote during week 3, and see if the autograder can detect any errors in your implementation!
We will start by reviewing the Contexts exercise.
Remember that our contexts associate names (String
s) with values (Int
s), and let us do the following:
- Create an empty context;
- Add another key/value pair (called a “binding”) to a context;
- Look up a key to retrieve the corresponding value;
- Remove a key and its corresponding value.
Implement the following functions and try to submit them on Moodle:
returns an empty context:def empty: Context = ???
forms a new context by associating a new pair of name-value in an existing context:def cons(name: String, value: Int, rem: Context) = ???
looks a name up in a given context:def lookup(ctx: Context, name: String): LookupResult = ???
drops all bindings with the givenname
in the context:def erase(ctx: Context, name: String): Context = ???
drops all bindings that fail the testpred
(i.e. for whichpred
evaluates to `false):def filter(ctx: Context, pred: (String, Int) => Boolean): Context = ???
Once you are done, submit the following file to the Moodle assignment for this exercise:
Tree Mapping and Tree Reducing
We will now work with Trees. For this exercise, you will work with the same tree definition as in week 3:
enum IntTree:
case Leaf(value: Int)
case Branch(left: IntTree, right: IntTree)
You need to implement and submit the three following functions:
creates a new tree by applying the given function on the value of each leaf node in the tree:def treeMap(tree: IntTree, op: Int => Int): IntTree = ???
reduces the values in the tree with the operator:def treeReduce(tree: IntTree, op: (Int, Int) => Int): Int = ???
Note that if you do not remember how the function should work, you can review the examples given in Week 3 exercise set.
first maps the values stored in each leaf withmapper
, then reduces these mapped values usingreducer
def treeMapReduce(tree: IntTree, mapper: Int => String, reducer: (String, String) => String): String = ???
Once you are done, submit the following file to the Moodle assignment for this exercise:
Natural Numbers ⭐️
For this exercise, you will work with Natural Numbers.
Remember that a way to represent natural numbers is to use the following enum:
enum UnaryNat:
case Zero
case Succ(pred: UnaryNat)
This exercise is divided into three independent parts that you will submit individually.
Conversion to/from integers
In this section, you will implement the following functions:
converts integers intoUnaryNat
:def fromInt(n: Int): UnaryNat = ???
to integers:def toInt(n: UnaryNat): BigInt = ???
Once you are done, submit the following file to the Moodle assignment for this exercise:
Operations on UnaryNat numbers
Now that we can convert integers into UnaryNat
numbers, we want to be able to make simple operations on them. Implement the following functions to do so:
adds twoUnaryNat
numbers:def add(n: UnaryNat, m: UnaryNat): UnaryNat = ???
multiplies twoUnaryNat
numbers:def multiply(n: UnaryNat, m: UnaryNat): UnaryNat = ???
subtracts aUnaryNat
number from another:def minus(n: UnaryNat, m: UnaryNat): UnaryNat = ???
Once you are done, submit the following file to the Moodle assignment for this exercise:
Parity checks
Finally, we could want to know the parity of a UnaryNat
number. Implement the following functions to be able to know whether a UnaryNat
number is odd or even:
def isEven(n: UnaryNat): Boolean =
def isOdd(n: UnaryNat): Boolean =
Once you are done, submit the following file to the Moodle assignment for this exercise:
Context as Binary Search Trees
For this exercise, we will review how to work with context using binary search trees.
Remember that to improve the efficiency of lookups, insertions, and removals in contexts, we used binary search trees (BSTs). BSTs store bindings in a sorted manner, allowing faster operations compared to linear structures like linked lists. You can have a look at the complete description made in week 3 following this link.
Stainless Autograder do not support string comparaisons with operators like < or >. To simplifiy the exercise, the BST you will use is a bit different to the one of week 3: it maps string, as value, to integrers, as key (instead of mapping integers to strings).
Here is the new definition of BSTContext:
enum BSTContext:
case Leaf
case Branch(k: Int, v: String, l: BSTContext, r: BSTContext)
We divided this exercise into two parts that need to be completed and submitted individually.
Basic operations
First, you need to implement basic operations made on BSTs:
looks a name up in a given BSTs context:def lookup(bst: BSTContext, key: Int): FindResult = ???
inserts a pair (key, value) in a given BSTs context:def insert(bst: BSTContext, key: Int, v: String): BSTContext = ???
The lookup
function will return an instance of the enum FindResult
which is very similar to the LookupResult
enum FindResult:
case Found(value: String)
case NotFound
Once you are done, submit the following file to the Moodle assignment for this exercise:
Now, you will work on rotation of BSTs. Remember that operations are much more efficient if they run on a balanced tree, so rotations on trees can be very useful. The following diagram illustrates two rotations (left and right), with the root node colored in blue:

Implement the two rotation functions in the file BSTOpsRotate
def rotateLeft(tree: BSTContext): BSTContext =
def rotateRight(tree: BSTContext): BSTContext =
Once you are done, submit the following file to the Moodle assignment for this exercise:
Let’s now implement new functions and try to submit them on Moodle to see the result of the autograder.
For this exercise, you should implement a function that takes a list of integers ls
and an integer n
as argument, and returns the list obtained by dropping every n
-th element from ls
. For example, the input (List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), 3)
should lead to the output List(1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8)
. You need to implement this function recursively.
def drop(ls: List[Int], n: Int): List[Int] =
require(n >= 0)
You are provided with a custom implementation of List
, you must use it instead of Scala’s List
Once you are done, submit the following file to the Moodle assignment for this exercise:
Prime numbers ⭐️
Implement a function that takes a natural integer n
as argument, and returns whether this integer is prime or not. For example, the input 7
should lead to the output true
. As a helper, you get the implementation of the isqrt
def isPrime(n: BigInt): Boolean =
require(n >= 0)
Once you are done, submit the following file to the Moodle assignment for this exercise:
GCD ⭐️
Implement a function that takes two natural integers a
and b
as arguments, and returns the greatest common divisor of these two. For example, the inputs 24
and 16
should lead to the output 8
def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int =
require(a >= 0 && b >= 0)
Once you are done, submit the following file to the Moodle assignment for this exercise:
Infix operator
In this exercise, we will implement some definitions for logical operations.
Except for the not
operation, find a way to define the following logical operations (and
, or
, equ
, xor
, nor
, nand
, impl
) as infix operators for Boolean
Then, write the definitions of those 8 operators in the most concise manner.
For example :
val a, b : Boolean = true
res = a xor b
Should compile and return false
when evaluating res
def not(b: Boolean): Boolean = ???
extension (a: Boolean)
infix def and(b: Boolean): Boolean = ???
infix def or(b: Boolean): Boolean = ???
infix def equ(b: Boolean): Boolean = ???
infix def xor(b: Boolean): Boolean = ???
infix def nor(b: Boolean): Boolean = ???
infix def nand(b: Boolean): Boolean = ???
infix def impl(b: Boolean): Boolean = ???
Once you are done, submit the following file to the Moodle assignment for this exercise:
Board Game ⭐️
The goal of this exercise is to implement a made-up board game inspired by the game Civilization VI. The world of boardgame
is composed of hexagonal tiles arranged on a cylinder (that is, they wrap around on the X-axis).
This is represented by the class WorldMap
in defs.scala
. The tiles
of the world are stored in a one-dimensional list and are ordered from left to right, bottom to top.
A tile (defined in defs.Tile
) is made of the following:
- a base that describes the kind of tile (mountain, hill, coast, etc.)
- optionally, a feature such as a forest
- optionally, a resource such as iron
- optionally, a construction that is one of the following:
- a city center
- an exploitation that “improves” a resource (increasing their yields, which is discussed in Task 1)
- a district, such as a campus; it can be seen as an “extension” to the city, though it does not need to be adjacent to the city center
Tiles have yields (described as a non-negative number, in defs.scala
) representing how valuable they are.
There are 4 kinds of yields: food, production, coins and science.
The base yield depends on the kind of the tile, and is increased by the presence of a feature or resource.
It can be further increased by an exploitation.
A tile may produce multiple kinds of yields. If it does not produce a yield of any kind, its value is zero.
Warm-up: Tile Access
Implement the tile
extension method for WorldMap
in BoardGame.scala
that, for given x
and y
, returns the tile at that position. The bottom-left of the map is defined to be at the position (0, 0)
Remember that the tiles are ordered from left to right, bottom to top and that the X-axis wraps around.
The following should hold:
val G = Tile(TileBase.FlatTerrain(BaseTerrain.Grassland))
val X = Tile(TileBase.HillTerrain(BaseTerrain.Desert))
val Y = Tile(TileBase.Mountain)
val Z = Tile(TileBase.Lake)
val tiles = (
G :: Z :: G :: G :: G ::
G :: G :: G :: Y :: G ::
G :: X :: G :: G :: G ::
G :: G :: G :: G :: G :: Nil()
val wm = WorldMap(tiles, 5, 4)
assert(wm.tile(1, 1) == X)
assert(wm.tile(6, 1) == X) // wraps around X-axis
assert(wm.tile(3, 2) == Y)
assert(wm.tile(13, 2) == Y)
assert(wm.tile(1, 3) == Z)
Task 1: Yield Calculation
We are interested in calculating the yields of a tile. The yields are computed by summing the individual yields from the terrain, the feature (if any), the resource (if any) and the construction (if any). The exception to this rule is if the tile has a district. In this case, the yields for that tile are zero. We instead compute its adjacency bonus, discussed in Task 2.
The rules for the terrain are as follows:
- For flat and hill terrains, plains add 1 food and 1 production, grasslands 2 food and tundra 1 food; desert and snow do not have yields. Additionally, hills provide one extra production
- Lakes and coasts provide 1 food and 1 gold, whereas oceans only provide 1 food
- Finally, mountains do not have yields
If a tile has a feature, the following yields are added:
- Woods provide 1 production
- Marshes and rainforests provide 1 food
- Oasis provides 3 food and 1 coin
- Geothermal fissures provide 1 science
- Reefs provide 1 food and 1 science
- Finally, floodplains provide the following depending on the base terrain:
- For plains and deserts, 2 food
- For grasslands, 1 food and 1 production
For tiles with a resource, the total yields are increased by:
- 1 food for fishes, rice and wheat
- 1 science for aluminum and iron
- 2 production for coal
- 2 coins for crabs
- 1 production for stone
The rules for the construction are as follows:
- City centers do not add extra yields
- Exploitations have the following yields:
- Farms and fishing boats produce 1 food
- Quarries and mines provide 1 production
- Lumber mills provide 2 productions
- Remember that tiles having districts produce 0 total yields
Your task is to implement the yields
extension method for Tile
in BoardGame.scala
according to the above rules.
You may add extension methods for BaseTerrain
, Feature
and so on or auxiliary functions to help you implement Tile.yields
Task 2: Adjacency Calculation
Districts also produce “yields” of their kind through their adjacency bonus. However, as swiftly mentioned in the previous task, the yield coming from the tile itself is nullified. The adjacency yields kind science for campuses, production for industrial zones and coins for commercial hubs. The adjacency bonus depends on the tiles or constructions adjacent to the district in question. The total adjacency bonus is the sum of all adjacent bonuses, rounded down.
All districts gain 0.5 of their respective yield for each adjacent city center or district. The adjacency bonus is further enhanced by the following:
- For campuses:
- 2 for each reef or geothermal fissure
- 1 for each mountain
- 0.5 for each rainforest
- For industrial zones:
- 1 for each quarry, iron or aluminum
- 0.5 for each lumber mills or mine
Implement the adjacencyBonus
function in BoardGame.scala
, that, given a WorldMap
and a position (x, y)
calculates the adjacency bonus for the district placed at that tile. If there are no district, it should return 0.
You are not allowed to use floating point (Double
or Float
): instead, the calculation should proceed by having all yields doubled before having the total sum being divided by two, rounded down.
Task 3: City Settlement
For this final task, we will implement the rule for settling down new cities in BoardGame.validCitySettlement
Given a WorldMap
and a position (x, y)
, a city can be settled down on that tile if all these requirements are met:
- The tile is a flat or hill terrain
- There are no other cities or districts on that tile (exploitation is allowed, since these are removed upon settling)
- No other cities are within a 2-tiles radius
For the last rule, we split the task into 3 parts.
Part A
We are first going to compute the list of all tiles situated at the ring radius
from a tile at (x, y)
in BoardGame.collectTilesInRing
. If radius
is zero, the tile at (x, y)
should be returned.
The traversal must happen clockwise and start at the top-right corner of the hexagon. If, during the traversal, a tile happens to be outside (in y
) of the world, it should be skipped.
Note that the precondition require(2 * radius < wm.width)
ensures that all tiles in x are within bounds and are not repeated due to wrapping.
Part B
With the help of collectTilesInRing
, implement BoardGame.allTilesWithinRadius
that should collect all tiles within radius
from a tile at (x, y)
The tile at (x, y)
must be included as well. The list of tiles must be ordered from inwards to outwards.
Part C and putting it all together
We are almost there! It remains to fill noOtherCitiesInRange
that returns true
if there are no cities within 2 tiles from (x, y)
and false
otherwise. Then, validCitySettlement
may be completed.
You are only allowed to modify the file BoardGame.scala
. You are provided with a custom implementation of List
you must use instead of Scala’s List
, as well as a custom implementation of Option
you must use instead of Scala’s Option
Scala’s match expressions let you handle multiple cases in a single case statement, for example:
res match
case Resource.Crabs => Yields(coins = 2)
case Resource.Fish | Resource.Rice | Resource.Wheat => Yields(food = 1)
However, in this exercise, you should not use this feature, as it is not currently supported by our grader. Please copy the logic for each case separately instead:
res match
case Resource.Crabs => Yields(coins = 2)
case Resource.Fish => Yields(food = 1)
case Resource.Rice => Yields(food = 1)
case Resource.Wheat => Yields(food = 1)
Once you are done, submit the following file to the Moodle assignment for this exercise: