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Lab 2: Boids


In this lab, you will be writing a simulation of a flock of boids. A boid is like a bird, but not exactly. Its behavior is dictated by four rules, in addition to Newton’s laws of physics:

  1. Avoidance: Avoid getting too close to any neighbor.
  2. Cohesion: Avoid getting too far from any neighbor.
  3. Alignment: Try to match the flight direction of its neighbors.
  4. Containment: Avoid going beyond the edge of the world.

(The difference between a boid and a bird is that the behavior of a boid is completely determined by the four rules above. It does not do anything else.) The simple rules above can give rise to many different, interesting, organic, and even beautiful emergent behaviors of the flock. As a small example with one choice of parameters:

This assignment aims to exercise the following concepts and techniques:

  • Basic Scala syntax, such as defining methods and values, calling methods, conditionals, arithmetic
  • Using (but not defining) simple immutable functional collections
  • Higher-order functions
  • Modeling the real world in a simulation
  • Integration tests
  • Making and testing hypotheses about the behavior of computer systems


Theory of the boid world

The boid world is a rectangle of a given width and height, with an x-y coordinate system with the origin in the top left of the rectangle and y increasing downwards (this is customary for computer graphics).

On a piece of paper, sketch the axes and the points (0, 0), (1, 3), and (2, 2). Compare your answer with the picture below.


Each boid has a position and a (vector) velocity. Each boid is subject to four forces corresponding to the four rules mentioned above, and we know from Newton that force equals mass times acceleration; but all boids have unit mass, so forces will be directly synonymous with (vector) accelerations.

The unit of position or distance is given by the coordinate system. The unit of velocity is typically distance per unit time—but what is the unit of time? In the boid world, time proceeds in discrete ticks instead of continuously, and the state of the flock is recomputed on every tick. Thus the unit of velocity is distance per tick. And as there are no subdivisions of ticks and the world is recomputed only on every tick, the position of a boid equals the sum of its position and velocity on the previous tick. (With continuous time, we would have had to integrate…) Likewise, the velocity of a boid equals the sum of its velocity and the total acceleration due to the four rules on the previous tick.

In other words, if $x_t$ is the position of a boid at tick $t$, $v_t$ its velocity, and $a_t$ its acceleration due to the four rules, then:

$$\begin{align} x_{t+1} &= x_t + v_t \\ v_{t+1} &= v_t + a_t \end{align}$$

In physics class, you have probably seen equations like $v(t) = x^\prime(t)$ or $x(t) = x(0) + \int_0^t v(t) \:\textrm{d}t$. Can you see a connection between those and the equations above?

Hint The Wikipedia page about Riemann sums is a good place to start to learn more. But this is bonus material, not required to solve this lab!

However, to ensure that the boids are neither lethargic nor hyperactive, the world clamps the magnitude of a boid’s velocity between a global minimum and maximum speed on every tick. Or in mathematical terms, we modify equation 2 from above, with $s_{min}$ and $s_{max}$ being the minimum and maximum speeds:

$$\Vert v_{t+1} \Vert = \begin{cases} s_{min} &\textrm{if } \Vert v_t + a_t \Vert < s_{min} \\ s_{max} &\textrm{if } \Vert v_t + a_t \Vert > s_{max} \\ \Vert v_t + a_t \Vert &\textrm{otherwise} \end{cases}$$

Given a vector $v$ and a magnitude $m$, what is an expression for a vector in the same direction as $v$ but with magnitude $m$? What are its x and y components in terms of the original components?

Hint $\frac{v}{\Vert v \Vert}$ has unit magnitude and the same direction as $v$.

The rules translate to forces as follows.

  1. Avoidance: The world has a physical constant called the avoidance radius $r_a$.

    Consider a boid A. For all other boids B within radius $r_a$ of A, A experiences a force away from B proportional in magnitude to the inverse of its distance from B. Or in mathematical terms, if $F_{A,B}$ is the avoidance force experienced by A due to B and $d < r_a$ is the distance between them, then $\Vert F_{A,B} \Vert = \frac{1}{d}$. The total avoidance experienced by A is the sum of all such forces $F_{A,B}$.

    Suppose boid A is at (5, 5) and boid B is at (9, 8), and suppose that is within the avoidance radius. What is the magnitude of the force experienced by A due to avoidance of B? What are the x and y components of that force?


    If boids A and B are at the same position, according to the description above, the avoidance force between them would be infinite! (And in what direction?) To avoid this problem, we will say that the avoidance force between two boids at the same position is zero.

    This does not apply to any of the other forces. What is special about this force? What would happen in a computer simulation if we didn’t account for this?

  2. Cohesion: The world has a physical constant called the perception radius $r_p$, greater than the avoidance radius $r_a$.

    Each boid experiences a force towards the average position of all other boids within radius $r_p$ of it (those that it can ‘perceive’), proportional to its distance from said average position. (The average position is effectively the center of mass.) Or in mathematical terms, let $x_0$ be the (vector) position of this boid, and $B$ be the set of positions $x$ of other boids such that $\Vert x - x_0 \Vert < r_p$. Then the force is $\frac{\sum_B x}{\vert B \vert} - x_0$. If $\vert B \vert = 0$, i.e. if there are no boids within the perception radius, then the force is zero.

    Suppose $x_0$ is (8, 13) and the other boids’ positions are (10, 10), (13, 11), (11, 13), and (14, 9). Suppose that $r_p$ is 6. What is the magnitude of the cohesion force experienced by the boid at $x_0$? What are the x and y components of that force?

  3. Alignment: Each boid experiences a force proportional to the difference between the average velocity of all other boids in its perception radius and its current velocity. Or in mathematical terms, let $x_0$ and $v_0$ be the (vector) position and velocity of this boid, and $B$ be the set of positions $x$ and velocities $v$ of other boids such that $\Vert x - x_0 \Vert < r_p$. Then the force is $\frac{\sum_B v}{\vert B \vert} - v_0$. If $\vert B \vert = 0$, i.e. if there are no boids within the perception radius, then the force is zero.

  4. Containment: If a boid goes beyond an edge of the world, it experiences a unit force in the opposite cardinal direction.

    Suppose the world has height 100 and width 200. If a boid is at position (-3, 150), what containment force would it experience?


Lastly, each of these rules is scaled by physical constants (just like, for instance, the force of gravity is scaled by the constant $G$ in the expression $\frac{GmM}{r^2}$). These are called the avoidance weight, the cohesion weight, and so on. The total force experienced by a boid is thus the weighted sum of the four components. Different weights can lead to radically different emergent behaviors of the flock!

Implementing the flock simulation

Your task in this assignment is to convert the theoretical description of boids above into a computer simulation. We’ve already provided some parts for you. You are free to inspect the implementations, but don’t worry at all if you don’t understand them, because they use many concepts and techniques that you have not learned yet, unlike the parts that you will write.

You must write all your code in BoidLogic.scala. You may not change the names or signatures of the methods already defined, but you are free to add new ones as you see fit. Your code must pass all the tests. In addition, you must fill in how many hours you spent working on this lab in HowManyHoursISpentOnThisLab.scala to pass the last test.

How to use the UI

If the UI is not already running, e.g. if you are just starting to work on the lab, then start the UI as follows:

  1. In a terminal, navigate to the root directory of the lab.
  2. Run sbt to start SBT.
  3. At the SBT prompt, run run to start the UI server.
  4. In your browser, go to localhost:8080/.

Try it now! The UI shows your simulation in blue and the reference solution in green. Your blue boid will not move, since you haven’t implemented anything yet. The reference solution is available only because a preset initial configuration is selected by default. If you change the configuration, e.g. the initial position of the boid, the reference solution will disappear.

If the UI is already running, and you have made some changes to the code, then you have to restart it to see your changes as follows:

  1. In the terminal where you did step 3 above, press Ctrl+C twice to stop the UI server. This will bring you back to the SBT prompt.
  2. Run run to start the UI server.
  3. In your browser, refresh the page you opened in step 4 above, or simply open a new page at the same URL.

If you see an error like the following:

[error] Address already in use

It indicates that the UI server is already running on your computer in a different terminal window. Find and stop that instance of the server before starting a new one.

How to use the tests

The best way to use the tests is through the UI! Each test case for the lab is an option under “initial configuration”, and they are presented in the same order as in the implementation guide below. When you select a test case, the UI shows the initial flock configuration and physics parameters, and draws the reference simulation in green and circled (for the first few steps) on top of the simulation you are implementing in blue. From there, you can change the initial settings, but of course your custom settings will not have a reference simulation. The “debug mode” controls may be useful.

However, if you want to run the tests without the UI:

  1. Stop the UI server as described above.
  2. At the SBT prompt, run test to run the tests. They are run in the same order as in the “initial configuration” options in the UI.

Senior track

From now on, some labs will offer alternative, less guided, more challenging, but also more enriching ways of completing them, called senior tracks. Following the senior track for a lab is entirely optional but will improve your program design skills, or in other words, your ability to turn a conceptual description into an actual implementation. This is good preparation for the final, unguided lab at the end of the semester.

This week, if you want to follow the senior track for this lab, you should:

Implementation guide

Skip this section if you want to follow the senior track!

No rules

Ignore the four rules for the moment. How should a single boid behave under just Newtonian physics? That is, given an initial position and velocity, what should the boid’s position and velocity be in the next tick? Implement this behavior in the tickBoid function. For the moment, the value of acceleration will always be zero, so you can ignore it.

In this function, only the position and velocity of the boid will be updated; its size and color will remain unchanged. To create a new boid based on an existing one, you can either manually copy its attributes:

val newPosition = ??? // Compute new position from boid.position
val newVelocity = ??? // Compute new velocity from boid.velocity
val newBoid = Boid(
   position = newPosition,
   velocity = newVelocity,
   size = boid.size,
   color = boid.color,

Or, more concisely, update only the fields you want, using the copy method:

// size and color are copied from boid
val newBoid = boid.copy(
   position = newPosition,
   velocity = newVelocity

You can come back to this later if you want to do something more interesting with the size and color.

Then, given a flock of boids (a BoidSequence), what should the state of the flock be on the next tick? Implement this computation in the tickWorld function.

You can now check your work as described in § How to use the UI or § How to use the tests. At this point, your code should match the reference simulation for the first 2 test cases: singleBoidNoForces and threeBoidsNoForces.

Only avoidance

Now consider only the avoidance rule. Assume that you are in the middle of a simulation and you have to calculate the force on one particular boid resulting from that rule. Start with simple cases: if there are no other boids in the world, or only one other boid, or only one that is within the avoidance radius. How do you do it? Start thinking on paper. Consider writing a mathematical expression, drawing a diagram, etc. as you prefer. Then, still on paper, try to express your idea using the computational concepts you’ve seen in class: higher-order functions, recursion, accessing fields and methods of an object, etc. Finally, implement it as code by replacing the placeholder values in the boidsWithinRadius and avoidanceForce functions with proper implementations.

Remember that in tickBoid in the previous section, you ignored acceleration because it was zero. But now that you’ve implemented the avoidance rule, this will no longer be the case. How should you incorporate acceleration into your tickBoid function?

Take a moment to check your work. If two boids are heading straight towards each other, initially outside the avoidance radius, what should happen? Write down your prediction. Compare it with the twoBoidsAvoidanceX test case in the UI.

We have left boidsWithinRadius for you to implement, but we do not directly test it. It is used internally by totalForce to filter the set of boids before passing it to avoidanceForce, cohesionForce, and alignmentForce. You can modify it as you wish: we only test the final simulation. Of course, as the name indicates, our expectation is that you will find it useful to make it filter the complete list of boids to return only those to be considered when computing a given force.

Once you have correctly implemented the avoidance rule, your code should pass the next 6 test cases: singleBoidAvoidance, twoBoidsAvoidanceX, twoBoidsAvoidanceXY, twoBoidsAvoidanceFar, mixedAvoidance and avoidanceSamePosition.


With the same process you used for implementing the avoidance rule—starting by calculating simple cases on paper, then expressing the same ideas using computational concepts, then writing code, and finally writing down and checking a hypothesis about a simple situation—implement the cohesion rule.

The next 5 test cases only rely on the cohesion rule, either because the avoidance weight is set to zero, or the boids are outside the avoidance radius. They are twoBoidsRestCohesion, twoBoidsCohesionDance, twoBoidsCohesionFar, chaoticCohesion, and avoidanceCohesion. The 2 test cases after that rely on both avoidance and cohesion: avoidanceCohesionLonger and threeBodyProblem.

Alignment, containment, and full test suite

Now, implement the remaining rules. Identify repeated patterns and abstract them out (e.g. as helper functions) when you can; copy-pasting code is not the right approach! For each rule, check that your implementation is correct by running the simulation to see if it behaves as you expect. Feel free to modify the configurations in the UI to explore different behaviors.

Once you have implemented all the rules correctly, all tests should pass.


Debugging guide

If you run into trouble while working on the boids lab, try to follow the steps below.

  1. Find the smallest, simplest test case that reproduces the bug.
  2. If the bug isn’t visible in the first tick, modify the starting conditions (in the UI) so that the bug is visible right away.
  3. Clearly characterize what is happening. For example:
    • ‘The boid disappears instantly.’
    • ‘One of the boids is affected by the other one, but the other one is not affected by the first.’
  4. Following the rules in the lab write-up on paper, compute what the state of the system (positions of all the boids) should be. (This is why it helps to have a simple test with just one step.)
  5. Compare your handwritten result with the expected output of the failing test. If these two don’t match, you have an error in your handwritten calculation—show it to a staff member if you can’t find the error! And if they match, you now understand what results to expect and why they are expected.
  6. Introduce printlns at important points in the program: right after computing a force, as you are traversing the boids in tickWorld, etc. Annotate each println with a comment saying what you expect to see.
  7. Run the code and find the println that doesn’t match. There should be at least one difference, corresponding to the mismatch in the test.
  8. Add more printlns to narrow down exactly where the code reaches the incorrect state, until you find the statement(s) that are responsible for the bug.

Boundary conditions and the boidsWithinRadius function

This function is not documented. Why? Because we don’t test it, and you can put anything you want in there. Instead, we call it from totalForce, and pass the results to the individual force functions. (We do it this way for performance reasons, to avoid duplication between the different force functions.)

You are free to put whatever you want in this function, but as the name indicates, we expect that your implementation will compute which other boids are within the given radius of thisBoid.

Bonus section: ornishology

(This part is not graded but we will be glad to discuss your results if you want! Make sure that you’ve submitted a version of your code that passes all tests in both suites before proceeding to this part.)

Ornishology is the study of boids (because it’s like ornithology, but not exactly). Here we have a flock that demonstrates remarkably complex and structured behavior arising from just a few simple rules implemented by individuals. In the natural world, we typically cannot change the rules ceterus paribus to find out how the behavior changes; ‘how would flocks organize if birds could only see with one eye?’ is a question we will probably never be able to answer. But with boids, we can!

Here are some questions to explore about the behavior of boids and flocks. For each, first write down a hypothesis about what you expect to see. Then run the simulation and compare your observations to your predictions.

  1. What happens if the avoidance weight is doubled? Halved? How about the cohesion and alignment weights? (Change one thing at a time!)
  2. Should anything change if all the weights are scaled by the same factor at once? Why or why not?
  3. What happens if the perception radius is large enough to always contain all the boids in the world?
  4. What happens if the minimum and maximum speed constraints are removed?
  5. What happens if avoidance is proportional to the inverse of the square of the distance instead?
  6. What happens if there is only a small number of boids, like 10? (Or a very large number, like 10,000, if you’re brave… your computer may struggle a little.)

Feel free to explore in other directions too. Can you come up with any generalizations about the behavior of boid flocks?