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In this lab, we will try our hand at image processing! Particularly, we will design an interface to apply a variety of simple filters to an image. We will take a look at ways to encapsulate code behind simple, functional interfaces, and the subsequent simplicity we gain when parallelizing our implementation to adapt to scale.
- Please review our usual course policies about lab assignments, plagiarism, grading, etc.
- You can get the materials for this lab by running:
git clone
- Once you are done, submit the following files to Moodle:
src/main/scala/scalashop/image/Filter.scala src/main/scala/scalashop/image/ParImage.scala src/main/scala/scalashop/HowManyHoursISpentOnThisLab.scala
- If you have issues with your setup (Scala installation, IDE, using the terminal, etc.), please see our common errors troubleshooting guide to see if anything there solves your problem before asking us for help.
Colors and Pixels
To begin processing images, we have to understand how images are built and
represented. The structures and utilities for this have already been implemented
in the package scalashop
Images are represented as rectangular arrays of pixels, with each pixel made up of 4 parts: alpha, the opacity of the pixel, and the three color components, red, green and blue. We choose to use 8 bits (0 - 255) for each of the components, so that a pixel’s data fits inside a single integer (32 bits). We have
/** The value of every pixel is represented as a 32 bit integer. */
type ARGB = Int
giving us the following representation of a pixel, in binary and in hexadecimal:
With this structure, we can retrieve any component by filtering and shifting bits in the pixel data:
/** Returns the alpha component. */
def alpha(c: ARGB): Int = (0xff000000 & c) >>> 24
/** Returns the red component. */
def red(c: ARGB): Int = (0x00ff0000 & c) >>> 16
/** Returns the green component. */
def green(c: ARGB): Int = (0x0000ff00 & c) >>> 8
/** Returns the blue component. */
def blue(c: ARGB): Int = (0x000000ff & c) >>> 0
Finally, we can construct an ARGB
value from the individual components by
taking the lowest 8 bits of each and combining them
/** Used to create an ARGB value from separate components. */
def argb(a: Int, r: Int, g: Int, b: Int): ARGB =
(a << 24) | ((r << 24) >>> 8) | ((g << 24) >>> 16) | ((b << 24) >>> 24)
What are the ARGB values for a pure red pixel?
Reveal the answer
A = 255 (100% opacity), R = 255, G = 0, B = 0.
Matrices and Images
The trait Matrix
is the essence of what will soon become an Image
. It is a
structure that has a height
, a width
, and allows you to access its elements
with a coordinate pair (x, y)
trait Matrix[A]:
val height: Int
val width: Int
/** Access matrix elements */
def apply(x: Int, y: Int): A
This trait is parametrized over the parameter A
, i.e, it represents a matrix
of any type A
. An image is, in particular, a matrix of pixels. So we define an
/** Given two coordinates, provides a Pixel. Builds sequentially by default.
* @param height
* height of the image
* @param width
* width of the image
trait Image(val height: Int, val width: Int) extends Matrix[Pixel]:
where Pixel
is just another alias for ARGB
, but is a more readable name in
/** Readable alias for underlying pixel representation */
type Pixel = ARGB
As a base case for this trait, we would like to be able to load existing images
and store their data. This is done with an ArrayImage
, which stores the image
data in an Array[Pixel]
and returns this data when queried:
/** Fully built image with a concrete underlying Array storing pixel data. */
final class ArrayImage(
height: Int,
width: Int,
private val data: Array[Pixel]
) extends Image(height, width):
/** Access underlying image data */
def apply(x: Int, y: Int) = data(x + y * width)
/** Update underlying image data, mutating state */
def update(x: Int, y: Int, elem: Pixel) = data(x + y * width) = elem
A filter is any object that takes an image, and produces a new one, possibly
manipulating it in the middle. Complying with our Image
interface, a filter is
implemented by defining an apply method:
/** Identity filter, does not change pixels of the source image. */
class Identity(src: Image) extends Image(src.height, src.width):
def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Pixel =
src(x, y)
We have here the Identity
filter, which, for any pixel at coordinates $(x,
y)$, simply returns the underlying pixel of the source image. However, we can do
so much more!
In general, a filter is a view over the image, that computes the required pixels on demand:
Grayscale Filter
In the file Filter.scala
, find the skeleton for the filter Grayscale
/** Grayscale filter, transforms the source image in a grayscale one. */
class Grayscale(src: Image) extends Image(src.height, src.width):
// we generate a weighted grayscale image
// to do this, we compute the "Luma" of each pixel
// these numbers come from a standard called Rec 601
// and are computed based on how we perceive colour and brightness
// see:
val lumaR = 0.299f
val lumaG = 0.587f
val lumaB = 0.114f
def grayscale(input: Pixel) =
def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Pixel = grayscale(src(x, y))
Taking a look at the provided apply
method, the filter is expected to take the
source pixel, and apply a grayscale
function to it. The grayscale value of a
pixel is computed based on the luma for each color.
We use the Rec 601 standard, which provides three constants, the luma modifiers for red, green, and blue. The luma of the entire pixel is computed by multiplying these constants with the RGB values of the pixel, keeping the alpha the same.
This is shown by the following relationship:
$$ (a, r, g, b) \mapsto (a, luma, luma, luma) \ \text{where~} luma = lumaR \times r + lumaG \times g + lumaB \times b $$
and as a concrete example:
Complete the grayscale
function to implement this transformation.
You can test this filter by running testOnly -- "*grayscale:*"
in sbt
Color “Splash” Filter
While a grayscale filter is interesting by itself, we can do more things with it as a base too. Implement a selective grayscale filter, that leaves bright red pixels. You’ll see a result like this:
Do this by completing the apply
method in the RedSplash
class RedSplash(src: Image) extends Grayscale(src):
def isRedEnough(px: Pixel) =
val r = red(px).toFloat
val g = green(px).toFloat
val b = blue(px).toFloat
(r > 1.7 * g) && (r > 1.7 * b)
override def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Pixel =
The apply
method of the filter allows you to specify the image by deciding how
to compute a single pixel from the source.
You can try it on the image above stored in the lab files at
The functional apply(x, y)
interface allows us to easily extend filters in any
way we desire to obtain other interesting effects on images. You can just as
well try to make green, blue, or other interesting filters.
You can test this filter by running testOnly -- "*redSplash:*"
in sbt
Trying your filters
Having completed two filters, we can go try them out! Scalashop comes with a GUI where you can try filters on your favourite images. You can start the GUI with
sbt run
By default, it opens the image stored at
, but you can import your own images by
navigating to File -> Open...
You can select which filter to apply with the Filter
Before you begin the parallelization section, changing the “number of tasks” in the Scalashop GUI will result in an exception, so leave it at the default, 1, while you work. Any filters you have not implemented yet will also result in errors, which you can see in your terminal, and the image will be left unaltered.
Testing without a GUI
It can be inconvenient to look at an image with a million pixels to debug your
code, so we also provide a simple interface for you to look at your images as
raw numeric data on the console. You can refer to
. You’ll find some instances of using the
method on images, alongside some ways to construct your own images as
test cases, for example a diagonal line:
/** Diagonal black line B W W W W W B W W W W W B W W W W W B W W W W W B
* The image is created via a direct specification of the apply method to
* avoid writing the whole array
val diagonalImage = new Image(5, 5):
def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Pixel = if x == y then black else white
Up next, we’d like to do a more complicated filter, a blur.
Let us start by trying to construct a method to blur an image from a small
example, a black pixel (0xff000000
) surrounded by white ones (0xffffffff
We would like to take this sharp black pixel and have it affect its surroundings, and vice versa. The simplest way to do this is to take the average of its neighbours, which results in the following matrix
While this method may seem naive, it can produce surprisingly nice blurs on larger images (intentionally low resolution to show blurring):
Performing the blur using a mean over neighbours is called a box-blur. The distance to neighbours we choose to consider is the radius of this blur.
Implement a box-blur by completing the SimpleBlur
class in Filter.scala
/** Performs a simple box-blur of given radius by averaging over a pixel's
* neighbours
* @param src
* source image
class SimpleBlur(src: Image) extends Image(src.height, src.width):
val radius: Int = 3
def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Pixel =
The blur should have radius $3$, i.e., it should average over neighbours in the range $[x - 3, x + 3] \times [y - 3, y + 3]$.
However, what happens at a corner? We may not have the same number of pixels to perform an average over! In this case, you would have to count for the number of neighbours in the radius, and compute the average accordingly. Consider this example for a blur of radius $1$, where there are only $3$ neighbours and the center itself available at a corner:
You can test this filter by running testOnly -- "*simpleBlur:*"
in sbt
Gaussian Blur
While the simple blur produces a convincing effect, there may be other ways to average over the values of your neighbours. For example, we may want to assign more weights to adjacent pixels, as pixels diagonal to the center are “farther away”:
This is called a Gaussian blur, as the assignment of weights looks like a Gaussian distribution according to the distance from the center:
A Gaussian blur tends to result in a softer blurring effect:
There are several other combinations we could try within this general setup for blurring, and it seems worthwhile to generalize this idea of weighted means. Here, the set of weights forms a blurring kernel.
$$ {Kernel}_{{Gaussian}~ 3 \times 3} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 1 \\ 2 & 4 & 2 \\ 1 & 2 & 1 \end{bmatrix} $$
and in the case of the box-blur
$$ {Kernel}_{{Box}~ 3 \times 3} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 \end{bmatrix} $$
And the operation of applying the kernel to an image is called a convolution. You can find more information about this here: Kernel (image processing) on Wikipedia.
Extrapolating from the examples above, we can make a general function for applying a kernel to an image:
$$ \begin{align*} convolution(x,y) &= {kernel} * {image}(x,y) \\ &= \sum_{dx=-{r_x}}^{r_x}{\sum_{dy=-{r_y}}^{r_y}{ {kernel}(r_x - dx, r_y - dy) \times {image}(x + dx, y + dy)}} \end{align*} $$
where the size of the kernel is $2r_x + 1 \times 2r_y + 1$. This places an emphasis on the point $(dx, dy) = (0, 0)$, which is the center point of our convolution, and is a natural way to intuitively think about convolutions. $r_x$ and $r_y$ are then the x- and y-radii of the kernel respectively. We can write them explicitly in terms of $\mathit{kernel.width}$ and $\mathit{kernel.height}$ coordinates as $r_x = \frac{width - 1}{2}$ and $r_y = \frac{height - 1}{2}$. Since for computation, our kernel coordinates actually range from $0$ to $2r_i + 1$ ( $i \in {x, y}$ ), we can rewrite the convolution as:
$$ \begin{align*} convolution(x,y) &= {kernel} * {image}(x,y) \\ &= \sum_{dx = -r_x}^{+r_x}{ \sum_{dy = -r_y}^{+r_y}{ {kernel}(r_x - dx, r_y - dy) \times {image}(x + dx, y + dy) } } \end{align*} $$
To keep things simpler, you can assume that $image(x, y)$ for $(x, y) \not \in
[0, width) \times [0, height)$ is $0$, and so indices outside the image domain
have no contribution. You do not have to check for special cases in the corner
like in the case of SimpleBlur
What happens when we don’t account for the special case of the corners?
You can find out the result by taking an image in the GUI, and running a box-blur of sizable radius (5 or 7) a few times, and see if you notice something weird around the edges 🤔.
Now, we will implement the convolution in the filter Convolution
and its
/** Produce the convolution of an image with a kernel
* @param src
* source image
* @param kernel
* kernel to convolve with
class Convolution(src: Image, kernel: Kernel) extends Matrix[(Float, Float, Float, Float)]:
val height: Int = src.height
val width: Int = src.width
def toImage =
def apply(x: Int, y: Int): (Float, Float, Float, Float) =
Same as an Image
, a Kernel
is also a Matrix
, but of Float
is not a “pure” filter here. It returns a Matrix[(Float, Float, Float, Float)]
, separating the channels, instead of just an image.
Although you can easily convert the tuple to a Pixel
using the _.toInt
operations, why do you think Convolution
is defined this way?
Reveal the answer
Values computed by a convolution can be greater than 255, so they would be
clipped, or worse, completely garbled if we haphazardly turned them into a
Think about what happens if you try to run argb(511, 256, 260, 255)
For a blurring kernel, this is guaranteed to be safe (since kernel values add up to 1 by definition). However, in the case of the provided edge-detection filter, this would result in incorrect convolutions!
The GaussianBlur
, BoxBlur
, and a Blur
with an arbitrary kernel have been
implemented in terms of Convolution
already in Filter.scala
. You’re ready to
go try them all out!
You can test your convolution implementation by running testOnly -- "*convolution:*"
in sbt
Sobel Edge Detection
As a fascinating example of the use of convolutions, you can check out the
/** Sobel edge detection filter, used to detect the horizontal and vertical
* edges of an image. Take a look at `Kernel.sobelX` and `Kernel.sobelY` for
* default kernels for this filter.
class SobelEdgeDetection(src: Image, kernelX: Kernel, kernelY: Kernel)
extends Image(src.height, src.width):
Lightweight Senior track
This week, the Senior track is designed to be lighter than usual. We recommend that you reimplement the Sobel edge detection filter from scratch, using the information provided in the corresponding Wikipedia page.
To proceed, delete the existing implementation in Sobel.scala
and reimplement it yourself. You can create tests or use the UI to verify that your implementation is correct.
This filter uses a two-dimensional convolution ($G_x$ and $G_y$) that needs to be combined as $G = \sqrt{G_x^2 + G_y^2}$
Embarrassingly Parallel Problems
Taking a look at the filters again, we find that they’re performing a lot of
calculations. The default image scala.jpg
has a resolution of 1500 x 843;
that’s 1.26 million pixels to compute, and they’re all independent of each
other! This is a perfect opportunity to test out our knowledge of parallelizing
To achieve this, we take a look at how images are computed from filters to be
displayed. This is done inside the build
function provided by the Image
/** Builds this image into an `ArrayImage`, sequentially. */
def build: ArrayImage =
val dst = new ArrayImage(height, width)
y <- 0 until height
x <- 0 until width
do dst(x, y) = this(x, y)
Here, we construct an ArrayImage
, by computing pixel values and mutably
writing to it. This lets us “queue” up filters lazily and collapse them into a
flat array that can be accessed quickly for display and further computation.
While the filters provide a clean functional interface, we can encapsulate and
“hide away” our complications and mutable code for the sake of efficiency.
Instead of attempting to parallelize the filters and changing the entire
interface, we can wrap them up and simply alter the build
process that
computes the final image. This is simplicity gained by having an interface that
is functional and lazy, so we could decide how we carry out the computation at a
single top-level stage.
To parallelize the construction, we create a class ParImage
, which inherits
the properties of an Image
, but implements a new build
function to be
parallel. Complete the provided skeleton for
override def build: ArrayImage =
// compute the collection to work on
val splits: Seq[Int] = ??? // type is provided just so it compiles, feel free to change it
val parSplits = splits.par
parSplits.tasksupport = ForkJoinTaskSupport(
) // make sure we apply the desired level of parallelism
val destination = ArrayImage(height, width)
// perform your computation in parallel
// return the constructed image
You are provided with a buildSequential
function, which does the same work as
, but on a small section of the image.
private def buildSequential(
destination: ArrayImage,
xFrom: Int,
xTo: Int,
yFrom: Int,
yTo: Int
): Unit =
However, here, we care about how many parallel tasks we spawn, they’re provided
by the user through the GUI, so be careful about that in your implementation!
You can control this either by using the provided tasksupport
skeleton, or by
removing it and writing your own task {}
based code.
You can test your parallel implementation by running testOnly -- "*parallel:*"
in sbt
Experimentation and Understanding Measurements
With a completed and parallelized system for image processing, Scalashop will take over the world as the leading choice for image editing! Feel free to play with the number of tasks available to the system and observe how the time required to apply a filter changes with it.
How many processors does your system have? How does the performance change as you increase the number of tasks up to this number, or beyond?
How does performance change when you parallelize a smaller task, like the black and white filter?
Can you compare the performance for your
with theBoxBlur
based onConvolution
? Are there any differences? If yes, try to discuss the possible reasons.
There are a lot of dials to tweak when working with parallel systems, and not all of them lead to the same results in every scenario! Some tasks can be small enough to make parallel code slower due to the added overhead of threads, while some can scale almost linearly with available resources.
It’s the programmer’s job to decide whether to parallelize their system, at what level the parallelization must be introduced, and with what granularity. Concurrent and asynchronous systems often help utilize the resources at hand much more efficiently, but are highly prone to both bugs and optimization-traps, where something clearly looks like it should help, but in fact degrades performance.
In any case, however, good interfaces and abstractions play a central role in design and development of software. They greatly affect the options you have available in the future, be it for parallelization or otherwise.
It can be great fun to think of how you would write scalashop
from scratch,
and how you might optimize it further!
Photo credit
All pictures used were obtained from Unsplash — Bruna Branco (Citrus) and Tom Brunberg (Fruits and Vegetables) — and are licensed for free use under the Unsplash license.