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Practical engineering I: Signal processing with lazy lists
package audio
This document is a companion to the November 8 CS-214 lecture titled Practical engineering I: Signal processing with lazy lists.
To follow along, download the archive.
The aim of the lecture was to demonstrate a practical use case for lazy lists: representing and manipulating potentially infinite streams of audio samples. In this model, a signal is a LazyList
of audio samples, each represented as 16-bit integers. We’ll discuss some of the pros and cons of this choice at the end of this transcript, but for now let’s jump into the code!
The first ~100 lines or so are setup code, so you may want to jump straight to the signal-processing code!
We start by importing sound packages from Java’s standard library (they are extensively documented in the Java sound programmer guide). Nothing fancy: we’ll just use the core APIs that let us play signals encoded using linear pulse-code modulation.
import javax.sound.sampled.{AudioSystem, AudioFormat, SourceDataLine}
We also import the duration
package, which gives us a Duration
type to represent time spans. Using this more precise type protects us from mistakes such as forgetting to convert a duration in milliseconds to a number of samples.
import scala.concurrent.duration.*
import scala.language.implicitConversions
Type definitions
We use the following type aliases to improve readability:
s are double-precision floating-point values-1 ≤ d ≤ 1
. Strictly speaking, aDouble
is already quantized, since it can only represent a finite set of values. In practice, we call doublesSamples
, since they approximate a continuous measurement of amplitude with high precision, and we reserve the nameQuantizedSample
for 16-bits numbers-32768 ≤ q ≤ 32767
type Sample = Double
type QuantizedSample = Short
s are lazy lists of samples; we manipulate all signals in high-precision (Double
) more, and quantize them right before sending them to the audio output.
type Signal = LazyList[Sample]
is just a convenient aliases forDouble
type Frequency = Double
The standard format to represent inputs to electronic musical instruments is called MIDI. MIDI is relatively simple, but not simple enough for a 45-minutes lecture, so let’s use a much-simpler format instead:
An Instruction
is either a Note
, a Chord
of multiple notes, or a Silence
. All share a duration
; in addition, the Note
has a single Pitch
, and the Chord
has multiple pitches.
enum Instruction[+Pitch, +Duration]:
val duration: Duration
case Note(pitch: Pitch, duration: Duration)
case Chord(pitches: Seq[Pitch], duration: Duration)
case Silence(duration: Duration)
import Instruction.*
are polymorphic on the representation of pitch and duration. This allows us to write either Note("A4", 1.0)
or Note(440, 75.millis)
for an A4 note lasting one-eights of a beat (the first representation assumes that 1.0 is one-eight of a beat; the second representation assumes 100 bpm). We call the former representation a scored instruction and the latter a sampled instruction:
object Instruction:
type Scored = Instruction[String, Double]
type Sampled = Instruction[Sample, Duration]
A voice is a sequence of instructions, and a score is a collection of melodies played simultaneously:
type Voice = Iterable[Instruction.Scored]
type Score = Iterable[Voice]
Finally, an extension method on the Scored
type lets us easily convert between scored and sampled notes:
extension (note: Instruction.Scored)
def asSampledNote(bpm: Int): Instruction.Sampled =
val beat = (1000 * 60 / bpm).millis
val duration = beat * note.duration / 8
note match
case Note(pitch, _) =>
Note(WellTemperedScale.freq(pitch), duration)
case Chord(pitches, _) =>
Chord(, duration)
case Silence(_) =>
Audio pipeline
Java uses the SourceDataLine
type to represent an audio line ready to process audio data. It exposes a traditional .write(b: Array[Byte])
interface. Given that we want to feed it infinite streams of samples, so we need to wrap it and perform three adjustments:
- Quantized the data into
s; - Encode it into pairs of
s; - Copy it, one buffer at a time, into the line’s internal buffers, using
The LazySourceDataLine
below performs these three functions, and additionally offers a convenient interface to initialize a new SourceDataLine
class LazyLine(val line: SourceDataLine):
/** Construct a `LazyLine` from a format and a buffer size */
def this(format: AudioFormat, bufferSize: Int) = this {
val line = AudioSystem.getSourceDataLine(format), bufferSize)
val format = line.getFormat()
val samplesPerSecond = format.getSampleRate()
Public API
/** Play all samples from `samples`. */
def play(samples: Iterable[Sample]) =
line.pad() // Make sure that we get at least one full buffer
/** Release all resources held by this line. */
def release(): Unit =
private def playAllSamples(samples: Iterable[Sample]): Unit =
if !samples.isEmpty then
require(format.getSampleSizeInBits() == 16)
val sampleSizeBytes = format.getSampleSizeInBits() / 8
val buffer = new Array[Byte](
line.getBufferSize() / 4 / sampleSizeBytes * sampleSizeBytes
private def playSomeSamples(
samples: Iterable[Sample],
offset: Int = 0
) : Iterable[Sample] =
if offset == buffer.length || samples.isEmpty then
line.write(buffer, 0, offset)
writeSample(buffer, samples.head, offset)
playSomeSamples(samples.tail, offset + sampleSizeBytes)
private def debug(msg: String) = {}
val quantizedMin: QuantizedSample = Short.MinValue
val quantizedMax: QuantizedSample = Short.MaxValue
def quantize(f: Sample): QuantizedSample =
val bf = f * quantizedMax
if bf < quantizedMin then
debug("Underflow"); quantizedMin
else if bf > quantizedMax then
debug("Overflow"); quantizedMax
else bf.round.toShort
def dequantize(b: QuantizedSample): Sample =
if b == quantizedMin then -1.0
else b.toDouble / quantizedMax
// The following code assumes a little-endian representation
private def writeSample(buffer: Array[Byte], s: Sample, offset: Int) =
require(offset + sampleSizeBytes <= buffer.length)
val qs = quantize(s)
buffer(offset) = qs.toByte
buffer(offset + 1) = (qs >> 8).toByte
private def readSample(buffer: Array[Byte], offset: Int): Sample =
val qs = (buffer(offset + 1) << 8 | (buffer(offset) & 0xff)).toShort
def writeBuffer(samples: Array[Sample]): Array[Byte] =
val bytes = new Array[Byte](samples.length * sampleSizeBytes)
for idx <- 0 until samples.length
do writeSample(bytes, samples(idx), idx * sampleSizeBytes)
def readBuffer(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Sample] =
val samples = new Array[Sample](bytes.length / sampleSizeBytes)
for idx <- 0 until samples.length
do samples(idx) = readSample(bytes, idx * sampleSizeBytes)
Other extensions
extension (sdl: SourceDataLine)
/** Pad `sdl`'s buffer to correctly play short sounds. */
def pad() =
val padding = Array.fill(sdl.available)(0.toByte)
sdl.write(padding, 0, padding.length)
extension (d: Duration)
/** Convert a duration into a number of samples */
def toSamples: Int =
(d.toMicros * samplesPerSecond / 1_000_000).round.toInt
Companion object
object LazyLine:
The following AudioFormat
object provides a reasonable default for newly created LazyLine
s: the sample rate (samplesPerSecond
) and bit depth (sampleSizeInBits
) are the same as found on a typical compact disc:
val DEFAULT_FORMAT: AudioFormat =
val samplesPerSecond = 44100f
val sampleSizeInBits = 16
val channels = 1 // Mono
val signed = true
val bigEndian = false
AudioFormat(samplesPerSecond, sampleSizeInBits,
channels, signed, bigEndian)
val DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE: Int = 32768
Making some noise
Our LazyLine
can now play audio streams, but we don’t have any yet! Station
below is where the real action begins. The Station
constructor takes three arguments. The first one, skipExamples
, can be used to skip all calls to play
during initialization (this is useful for experimenting with extensions and additional filters, see def main
below). The last two, format
and bufferSize
are used to configure the LazyLine
above. The example
function is used throughout the body of this class to play example samples:
class Station(
skipExamples: Boolean = true,
format: AudioFormat = LazyLine.DEFAULT_FORMAT,
bufferSize: Int = LazyLine.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE,
) extends LazyLine(format, bufferSize):
/** Display `message` before playing all samples from `samples`. */
def example(message: String)(samples: => Iterable[Sample]) =
if skipExamples then
println(f"$message: skipped")
Finite signals
The simplest way to play audio is to read it from a file; our first function does just that:
def wav(path: String): Signal =
val input = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(
val converted = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(format, input)
This function creates a finite Signal
; we can use it to play a simple audio file:
… or the same in reverse:
val yodl = wav("rymann.wav")
(The :
syntax lets us pass an argument to a single-argument function without parentheses.)
Now that we have signals, we can apply simple transformations to them. The first one is to mix two signals, with configurable relative intensities (from 0
to 1
def mix2(samples1: Signal, samples2: Signal, ratio: Double = 0.5) =
.zipAll(samples2, 0.0, 0.0)
.map(_ * ratio + _ * (1 - ratio))
mix2(yodl, yodl.reverse)
(Using zipAll
ensures that we keep playing until both signals complete.)
The sound up to this point sounds a bit flat, so let’s add some echo for a more genuine mountain feel. We can leverage mix2
to create an echo by mixing the signal with a delayed copy of itself. To do this, we define four small functions:
, which produces a constant stream of a single repeated sample;silence
, which leveragesconstant
to produce a stream of zeroes;delay
, which prepends a given amount of silence to a signal;- and finally
, which mixes a signal with the result of delaying it by a given amount:
def constant(nSamples: Int, level: Sample) =
def silence(duration: Duration) =
constant(duration.toSamples, 0.0)
def delay(offset: Duration)(samples: Signal) =
silence(offset) ++ samples
def echo(offset: Duration)(samples: Signal) =
mix2(samples, delay(offset)(samples), 0.7)
With that we get a much more satisfactory mountain vibe, with a bit more complexity to the sound:
… or as much complexity as we want, in fact:
Speeding up or slowing down a signal is trivial in our model, as long as we don’t intend to maintain the pitch (changing speed without affecting pitch is a much trickier problem, often called time scale modification).
To slow down, we simply duplicate samples:
def slower(factor: Int)(samples: Signal) =
samples.flatMap(s => List.fill(factor)(s))
Exercise: Interpolation
A higher-quality alternative would be to interpolate between existing points. Implement slower2_sliding
using Scala’s sliding
def slower2_sliding(samples: Signal) =
samples.take(1) #::: samples.sliding(2).to(LazyList).flatMap {
case LazyList(w0, w1) => List((w0 + w1) / 2, w1)
We can speed up signals in a similar fashion, this time by dropping signals instead of duplicating them:
def faster(invFactor: Int)(samples: Signal) =
.zipWithIndex.filter((s, idx) => idx % invFactor != 0)
… and again here mixing gives us a richer polyphony:
yodl ++ yodl,
{ val fast = faster(2)(yodl)
fast ++ fast ++ fast ++ fast }
Exercise: Additional finite transformations
Take the time to experiment with these and other transformations on finite signals. How would you speed up or slow down a signal by a non-integer factor? What does echo with a very small delay produce? What happens if you produce samples outside of the -1 .. 1
Infinite signals
Lazy lists really shine once we start considering infinite signals. Such signals can be generated in various ways: recursion (which corresponds to a physical feedback loop), repetition of a finite signal (a simple loop), transformations over existing streams, etc. The simplest, of course, is the plain loop, which takes an arbitrary signal and repeats it (loop
has no effect on infinite signals):
def loop(samples: Signal): Signal =
samples #::: loop(samples)
This function is not tail recursive, yet it will not cause a stack overflow. Can you see why?
The #:::
delays the evaluation of the call to loop(samples)
, so that it is not evaluated while the initial call to loop
executes. This is similar in spirit to a technique called trampolining.
The core primitive of additive synthesis is the oscillator: a period signal that repeats indefinitely. The wavelength of an oscillator is the inverse of its frequency:
def waveLength(frequency: Frequency): Int =
(samplesPerSecond / frequency).round.toInt
Lazy lists make it trivial to define various oscillators. To do so, we define a finite signal corresponding to a single period, or a pulse, of the oscillator, then loop it. We can define a sawtooth:
def linear(nSamples: Int, first: Sample, last: Sample) =
(0 until nSamples)
.map(first + _ * (last - first) / (nSamples - 1))
def sawtoothPulse(frequency: Frequency): Signal =
linear(waveLength(frequency), -1.0, 1.0)
def sawtooth(frequency: Frequency) =
… and play it. The truncate
function below is not strictly necessary, but without it the sound would keep playing continuously… and we would never play the other examples!
def truncate(duration: Duration)(samples: Signal) =
… or a triangle:
def trianglePulse(frequency: Frequency): Signal =
val λ = waveLength(frequency)
linear(λ / 2, -1.0, 1.0) ++ linear(λ - λ / 2 + 1, 1.0, -1.0).tail
def triangle(frequency: Frequency) =
… or a square:
def squarePulse(frequency: Frequency): Signal =
val λ = waveLength(frequency)
constant(λ / 2, -0.6) ++ constant(λ - λ / 2, 0.6)
def square(frequency: Frequency) =
… or a sine:
def sinePulse(frequency: Frequency): Signal =
val λ = waveLength(frequency)
(0 until λ)
.map(i => math.sin(2 * math.Pi * i / λ))
def sine(frequency: Frequency) =
… or even a random pulse, which sounds very metallic:
def randomSample: Sample =
(math.random() * 2 - 1)
def randomPulse(frequency: Frequency): Signal =
def random(frequency: Frequency) =
Note that this random oscillator is not the same as a white noise machine: the periodicity of the signal causes the human hear to perceive a pitch. The following, in contrast, is heard as plain noise:
def randomNoise: Signal =
Variable pitch
The loop
function repeats the same pulse over and over and hence maintains a constant pitch. What happens if we vary the frequency on each iteration instead?
(880 to 44 by -1).flatMap(f => sinePulse(f))
def slide(pulse: Frequency => Signal)(pitch: Signal) =
LazyList(144d, 216d, 324d, 486d, 486d, 486d).flatMap: f =>
sinePulse(f).map(660 + _ * 440)
These notes can be sequenced by truncating them, as done by truncate
above, and concatenating them… but the result is not pleasant: going from 0 to a full-amplitude signal, or vice versa, produces an audible distortion that corresponds to the unwanted frequencies generated by the abrupt transition. Instead, synthesizers use envelopes to shape the signal more smoothly. In our setting, an envelope is simply a signal varying between 0 and 1, and applying an envelope to a signal is done by sample-wise multiplication:
def envelope(envelope: Signal)(samples: Signal) = * _)
Here is how we may define a fade-in effect using this envelope function:
def fadeIn(duration: Duration)(samples: Signal) =
val nSamples = duration.toSamples
val (faded, full) = samples.splitAt(nSamples)
envelope(linear(nSamples, 0, 1))(faded) ++ full
Applying a fade-out that cuts the signal off after a certain duration is similarly easy, either linearly like above or with an exponential decay:
def exponential(nSamples: Int, first: Sample, last: Sample) =
(0 until nSamples).map(idx =>
val t = (idx - first) / (nSamples - 1.0)
val decay = math.pow(2, 1 - t) - 1 // 1 to 0
last + (first - last) * decay
def fadeOut(duration: Duration)(samples: Signal) =
val nSamples = duration.toSamples
envelope(exponential(nSamples, 1, 0))(samples)
Exercise: Fade-out
Defining a fade-in is easy, because we already know when to start fading in: right from the beginning! The fade-out above is similarly easy, since it similarly begins at $t = 0$. More flexible would be a fade-out of duration $d_f$ that begins at time $d_s - d_f$ for a signal of duration $d_s$. Define such a fade-out (and note that it should leave infinite signals unchanged).
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
def fadeOutAtEnd(duration: Duration)(samples: Signal): Signal =
val nSamples = duration.toSamples
def loop(prefix: Queue[Sample], suffix: Signal): Signal =
suffix match
case LazyList() =>
envelope(linear(math.min(nSamples, prefix.size), 1, 0)):
case shd #:: stl =>
prefix :+ shd match // Works even is nSamples == 0
case phd +: ptl if ptl.length >= nSamples =>
phd #:: loop(ptl, stl)
case p => loop(p, stl)
loop(Queue.empty, samples)
Typical synthesizers usually implement a variant of the ADSR pattern, which stands for “Attack, decay, sustain, release”:
The function ADSR below replicates this pattern. Note that the implementation is not a simple concatenation of each of the four phases: the envelope has to be truncated carefully to support total durations shorter than the sum of attack, decay, and sustain (this, in turn, requires care to ensure continuity at the beginning of the release phase):
def adsrEnvelope(totalDuration: Duration,
a: Duration, d: Duration, s: Sample, r: Duration) =
require(totalDuration >= r)
val ads = truncate(totalDuration - r):
linear(a.toSamples, 0, 1) ++
linear(d.toSamples, 1, s) ++
constant(totalDuration.toSamples, s)
ads ++ linear(r.toSamples, ads.last, 0)
def adsr(totalDuration: Duration,
a: Duration, d: Duration, s: Sample, r: Duration)
(samples: Signal) =
envelope(adsrEnvelope(totalDuration, a, d, s, r)):
With this envelope, we can now get much more pleasant notes…
adsr(2.seconds, 600.millis, 400.millis, 0.3, 500.millis):
Seq(sawtooth, triangle, square, sine, random).flatMap: oscillator =>
adsr(150.millis, 30.millis, 20.millis, 0.6, 30.millis):
Take the time to experiment with the definition of this synthesizer: how does changing the level of the sustain, or the duration of the attack, decay, and release affect the sound? For example, try to reduce the attack and release to 5.millis
, lengthen the decay to 200.millis
, and reduce the sustain level to 0.2
Seq(sawtooth, triangle, square, sine, random).flatMap: oscillator =>
adsr(150.millis, 5.millis, 200.millis, 0.2, 5.millis):
With these components in hand, we can define a simple synthesizer instrument, parametrized on an oscillator…
def synth(oscillator: Frequency => Signal)
(duration: Duration, frequency: Frequency) =
adsr(duration, 30.millis, 20.millis, 0.7, 30.millis):
… and play sequences of notes! At the bottom of this file is the definition of a well-tempered scale, which maps each note name to a frequency (e.g. WellTemperedScale.freq("A4")
is 440, the “la” in the middle of an 88-keys piano keyboard):
.flatMap(synth(sine)(300.millis, _))
Now that we have a simple instrument, we can introduce a sequencer: a tool that drives one or multiple digital instruments to play a digital music score. In our case, since we called our individual notes, silences, and chords “Instructions
”, we’ll call our sequencer an interpreter. To program it, we first need a way to mix more than two voices:
def sum(signals: Seq[Signal]): Signal =
val nonEmpty = signals.filter(!_.isEmpty)
if nonEmpty.isEmpty then LazyList()
else #:: sum(
def mix(signals: Iterable[Signal]): Signal =
val scale = 1.0 / signals.size
sum( * scale)).toSeq)
def mix(signals: Signal*): Signal =
… then need a way to sequence a single note:
def interpNote(instrument: (Duration, Frequency) => Signal)
(n: Instruction.Sampled): Signal =
n match
case Note(level, duration) =>
instrument(duration, level)
case Chord(levels, duration) =>
mix( => instrument(duration, level)))
case Silence(duration) =>
… and we can finally sequence complete scores!
def interpScore(instrument: (Duration, Frequency) => Signal)
(tracks: Score, bpm: Int) =
mix: track =>
Further below in this file is a collection of scores, which we can play through interpScore
; I’ve paired them up with experiments on the additional instruments that we defined above:
interpScore(synth(square))(Scores.marioTheme, 100)
Additional instruments
Using a higher-order function for the instrument in interpScore
lets us easily try out different instruments. For example, we can give our synthesizer a fuller sound by adding additional harmonics to its base frequencies; adjusting the shape of the envelope gives a more “piano” feel to the sound:
def piano(oscillator: Frequency => Signal)
(duration: Duration, frequency: Frequency) =
val harmonics = 1 to 4
val amplitudes = (1 to harmonics.size).map(f => Math.pow(2, 1 - f))
val totalAmplitude = amplitudes.sum
sum: { case (h, a) =>
adsr(duration, 5.millis, 4.seconds, 0.2, 5.millis):
oscillator(h * frequency).map(_ * a / totalAmplitude)
interpScore(piano(sine))(Scores.furElise, 80)
Continuing on the idea of harmonics, we can model a bell, for example, by combining a collection of slightly dissonant frequencies (proper bell synthesis would require a lot more, but this is a start!):
def bell(duration: Duration, frequency: Frequency) =
val harmonics =
Seq(.56, .92, 1.19, 1.71, 2.0, 2.74, 3.0, 3.76, 4.07)
val amplitudes =
Seq(.41, .54, 0.92, 0.68, 0.85, 0.22, 0.61, 0.33, 0.41)
val totalAmplitude = amplitudes.sum
sum: { case ((h, a), idx) =>
val decay = duration / (1 + idx)
val release = duration - decay
adsr(duration, 0.millis, decay, 0.1, release):
sine(h * frequency).map(_ * a / totalAmplitude)
bell(4.seconds, 440)
Notice how smoothly the bell
function plugs into into the sequencer:
interpScore(bell)(Scores.marioTheme, 100)
Plucked strings
And as a final experiment, here is a Scala implementation of a variant of the Karplus-Strong string synthesis algorithm.
def ks0(frequency: Frequency)(tone: Signal): Signal =
tone.take(waveLength(frequency)) #::: ks(frequency):, d) => (p + d) / 2)
The decay parameter controls the speed at which the sound decays: lower values cause faster decay (anything below 0.95 or so decays almost instantly; values above 1.0 are not advisable).
The original algorithm uses a feedback loop to average a signal with a delayed copy of itself. In our model, this feedback loop materializes as recursion. When we apply it to a high-energy signal, like random noise, we get a sound very close to a plucked metallic string:
When we apply it to other signals, we get a more “bouncy” version of them:
List(randomPulse, square, triangle, sine)
.flatMap(osc => fadeOut(750.millis)(ks0(440)(osc(440))))
If you look carefully at the implementation (or experiment with it by hand, on paper), you’ll notice that it consumes more and more of the original signal, leading to increasing complexity at each iteration and eventually a stack overflow. An alternative implementation, more faithful to the original algorithm, is as follows:
def ks(frequency: Frequency)(tone: Signal): Signal =
def loop(last: Sample)(wt: Vector[Sample]): Signal = #::: loop(wt.last): +: wt).map((p, d) => (p + d) / 2)
val wavetable = tone.tail.take(waveLength(frequency)).to(Vector)
def karplusStrong(oscillator: Frequency => Signal)
(duration: Duration, frequency: Frequency) =
val harpsicord = karplusStrong(randomPulse)
This version sounds just the same as the one above. One of the delightful things in this algorithm is that playing the same note twice produces very slightly different harmonics, because the initial samples noise varies:
(1 to 10).flatMap: _ =>
harpsicord(500.millis, 440)
When combined, the notes produced sound almost realistic!
List("C4", "E4", "G4", "C5") (note, idx) =>
silence(idx * 500.millis) ++
harpsicord(3.5.second, WellTemperedScale.freq(note))
… (it gets even more interesting if we stack many notes:)
"C4", "E4", "G4", "C5", "E5", "G4", "C5", "E5",
"C4", "E4", "G4", "C5", "E5", "G4", "C5", "E5",
"C4", "D4", "A4", "D5", "F5", "A4", "D5", "F5",
"C4", "D4", "A4", "D5", "F5", "A4", "D5", "F5",
"B3", "D4", "G4", "D5", "F5", "G4", "D5", "F5",
"B3", "D4", "G4", "D5", "F5", "G4", "D5", "F5",
"C4", "E4", "G4", "C5", "E5", "G4", "C5", "E5",
"C4", "E4", "G4", "C5", "E5", "G4", "C5", "E5",
) (note, idx) =>
silence(idx * 200.millis) ++
harpsicord(4.seconds, WellTemperedScale.freq(note)).map(_ / 20)
Thanks to the flexibility of interpScore
, it is again trivial to use this new instrument with our sequencer:
interpScore(harpsicord)(Scores.rondo, 100)
The algorithm is explained in detail in two excellent papers, Karplus & Strong 1983 and Jaffe & Smith 1983. These papers include details on why the algorithm works, how to chose parameters, how to adjust the duration of the sound, and the math behind the results.
Blending consecutive sounds
The main remaining issue at this point is the fact that our sequencer doesn’t support overlapping notes, except if they come for two separate tracks. While this is a reasonable assumption for, e.g., a piano, it doesn’t work so well for a harpsicord, whose strings should keep resonating while the musician continues to play. What we need instead if a sequencer that allows notes to echo for some time:
extension (note: Instruction.Sampled)
def copy(d: Duration) =
note match
case Note(pitch, duration) => Note(pitch, d)
case Chord(pitches, duration) => Chord(pitches, d)
case Silence(duration) => Silence(0.millis)
def interpWithEcho(instrument: (Duration, Frequency) => Signal)
(tracks: Score, bpm: Int, echo: Duration) =
def loop(voice: Voice, delay: Int, signals: List[Signal]): Signal =
if voice.isEmpty then
sum(signals).map(_ / 4)
val nonEmpty = signals.filter(!_.isEmpty)
val sums = sum(nonEmpty) #::: LazyList.continually(0d)
val prefix = sums.take(delay).map(_ / 4)
val suffixes =
prefix #::: {
val note = voice.head.asSampledNote(bpm)
val lengthened = note.copy(note.duration.max(echo))
interpNote(instrument)(lengthened) :: suffixes)
sum: => loop(tr, 0, Nil))
Compare the result with the previous one:
interpWithEcho(harpsicord)(Scores.rondo, 100, 750.millis)
(Scores.furElise, 80, 500.millis)
Further experiments
If you want to experiment further, you can download this code and add your own filters either to the body of Station
or in def main
below. You’ll probably want to switch skipExamples
to true
in that case, so that constructing the Station
object doesn’t play all the examples above!
@main def entryPoint: Unit =
val line = Station(skipExamples = false)
try main(line)
finally line.release()
def main(line: Station): Unit =
import line.*
// Include your own code here after setting `skipExamples` to `true`.
(Scores.rondo, 120, 350.millis)
Concluding remarks
Lazy lists are not the way in which audio is typically represented. Instead, one would usually rather use either a function that fills an buffer (usually an array), or a Java-style Stream
, or an observer-style Signal
(we will see those in more detail later in the class). These approaches beat lazy lists on performance and potentially memory usage, but they have severe downsides:
Buffer-based techniques force code to deal with complex boundary conditions: filters that operate on windows must deal with the fact that windows will overlap with boundaries between buffers (having a window larger that one buffer is typically unsupported).
With lazy lists, there are no such boundary issues.
Stream-based techniques, where “stream” means a single-use iterator, require careful handling of duplication. Consider the
play: mutable streams, or iterators, reading one sample from the delayed version of the signal also removes that sample from the original stream. To avoid this, one needs an explicit duplication operation, which typically will create a buffer that stores all samples consumed by one side until the other one has consumed them as well. This operation is complicated, and in fact Java streams don’t even have it. Scala iterators do (the implementation is non-trivial), but that doesn’t free you from having to remember to use it.Lazy lists, in contrast, support duplication for free, without even having to invoke an explicit duplication function. The buffering is handled transparently: anyone who has a pointer to part of the lazy lists pins it and subsequent entries into memory, preventing them from being garbage collected.
Signals-based techniques operate in “push” mode, meaning that the consumer of the stream doesn’t have control over the rate at which data is received.
Lazy lists, in contrast, operate in “pull” mode, which allows filters to peek into the future of a signal when it is available, making it possible to change speed and run various filters without waiting for a corresponding amount of time to pass.
Appendix I: The well-tempered scale
The calculations below compute the frequencies of each note of the well-tempered scale; they are used by the sequencer defined above.
object WellTemperedScale:
private val NOTES =
for note <- "C,C#=Db,D,D#=Eb,E,F,F#=Gb,G,G#=Ab,A,A#=Bb,B".split(",")
yield note.split("=").toList
private val aIdx = NOTES.indexOf(List("A"))
private def scale(a4: Frequency, offset: Int = 4)
: Map[String, Frequency] =
(for (names, idx) <- NOTES.zipWithIndex
expt = (offset - 4) + (idx - aIdx) * 1.0 / NOTES.size
freq = a4 * math.pow(2.0, expt)
name <- names
yield f"$name$offset" -> freq).toMap
private def scales(a4: Frequency)
: Map[String, Frequency] =
(for offset <- 0 to 8
(k, v) <- scale(a4, offset)
yield k -> v).toMap
private val freqs = scales(440)
def freq(note: String): Frequency =
val standardScale =
List("C4", "D4", "E4", "F4", "G4", "A4", "B4", "C5")
Appendix II: Scores
The constants below encode a few famous tunes into the simplified input format of our sequencer:
object Scores:
val N = Note
val S = Silence
val C = Chord
val marioTheme: Score = Seq(
N("E5", 2), N("E5", 4), N("E5", 2), S(2),
N("C5", 2), N("E5", 4), N("G5", 2), S(6), N("G4", 2), S(6),
N("C5", 4), S(2), N("G4", 2), S(4), N("E4", 4), S(2),
N("A4", 2), S(2), N("B4", 2), S(2), N("Bb4", 2), N("A4", 4),
N("G4", 8f/3), N("E5", 8f/3), N("G5", 8f/3),
N("A5", 4), N("F5", 2), N("G5", 2), S(2),
N("E5", 2), S(2), N("C5", 2), N("D5", 2), N("B4", 2),
val furElise: Score = Seq(
N("E5", 2), N("D#5", 2),
N("E5", 2), N("D#5", 2), N("E5", 2),
N("B4", 2), N("D5", 2), N("C5", 2),
N("A4", 4), S(2), N("C4", 2), N("E4", 2), N("A4", 2),
N("B4", 4), S(2), N("E4", 2), N("G#4", 2), N("B4", 2),
N("C5", 4), S(2), N("E4", 2), N("E5", 2), N("D#5", 2),
N("E5", 2), N("D#5", 2), N("E5", 2),
N("B4", 2), N("D5", 2), N("C5", 2),
N("A4", 4), S(2), N("C4", 2), N("E4", 2), N("A4", 2),
N("B4", 4), S(2), N("D4", 2), N("C5", 2), N("B4", 2),
N("A4", 4), S(2), N("B4", 2), N("C5", 2), N("D5", 2),
N("E5", 6), N("G4", 2), N("F5", 2), N("E5", 2),
N("D5", 6), N("F4", 2), N("E5", 2), N("D5", 2),
N("C5", 6), N("E4", 2), N("D5", 2), N("C5", 2),
N("B4", 4), S(2), N("E4", 2), N("E5", 2), N("E4", 2),
N("E5", 2), N("E5", 2), N("E6", 2),
N("D#5", 2), N("E5", 2), N("D#5", 2),
N("E5", 2), N("D#5", 2), N("E5", 2),
N("B4", 2), N("D5", 2), N("C5", 2),
N("A4", 8)
N("A2", 2), N("E3", 2), N("A3", 2), S(2), S(4),
N("E2", 2), N("E3", 2), N("G#3", 2), S(2), S(4),
N("A2", 2), N("E3", 2), N("A3", 2), S(2), S(4),
S(4), S(4), S(4),
N("A2", 2), N("E3", 2), N("A3", 2), S(2), S(4),
N("E2", 2), N("E3", 2), N("G#3", 2), S(2), S(4),
N("A2", 2), N("E3", 2), N("A3", 2), S(2), S(4),
N("C3", 2), N("G3", 2), N("C4", 2), S(2), S(4),
N("G2", 2), N("G3", 2), N("B3", 2), S(2), S(4),
N("A2", 2), N("E3", 2), N("A3", 2), S(2), S(4),
N("E2", 2), N("E3", 2), N("E4", 2), S(6),
val rondo: Score = Seq(
N("B4", 2), N("A4", 2), N("G#4", 2), N("A4", 2),
N("C5", 2), S(6), N("D5", 2), N("C5", 2), N("B4", 2), N("C5", 2),
N("E5", 2), S(6), N("F5", 2), N("E5", 2), N("D#5", 2), N("E5", 2),
N("B5", 2), N("A5", 2), N("G#5", 2), N("A5", 2),
N("B5", 2), N("A5", 2), N("G#5", 2), N("A5", 2),
N("C6", 8), N("A5", 1), S(3), N("C6", 1), S(3),
N("B5", 1), S(3), C(Seq("A5", "F#5"), 1), S(3),
C(Seq("G5", "E5"), 1), S(3), C(Seq("A5", "F#5"), 1), S(3),
N("B5", 1), S(3), C(Seq("A5", "F#5"), 1), S(3),
C(Seq("G5", "E5"), 1), S(3), C(Seq("A5", "F#5"), 1), S(3),
N("B5", 1), S(3), C(Seq("A5", "F#5"), 1), S(3),
C(Seq("G5", "E5"), 1), S(3), C(Seq("F#5", "D#5"), 1), S(3),
N("E5", 8)
N("A3", 4), C(Seq("C4", "E4"), 1), S(3),
C(Seq("C4", "E4"), 1), S(3),
C(Seq("C4", "E4"), 1), S(3),
N("A3", 4), C(Seq("C4", "E4"), 1), S(3),
C(Seq("C4", "E4"), 1), S(3),
C(Seq("C4", "E4"), 1), S(3),
N("A3", 1), S(3), C(Seq("C4", "E4"), 1), S(3),
N("A3", 1), S(3), C(Seq("C4", "E4"), 1), S(3),
N("A3", 4), C(Seq("C4", "E4"), 1), S(3),
C(Seq("C4", "E4"), 1), S(3),
C(Seq("C4", "E4"), 1), S(3),
N("E3", 1), S(3), C(Seq("B3", "E4"), 1), S(3),
C(Seq("B3", "E4"), 1), S(3),
C(Seq("B3", "E4"), 1), S(3),
N("E3", 1), S(3), C(Seq("B3", "E4"), 1), S(3),
C(Seq("B3", "E4"), 1), S(3),
C(Seq("B3", "E4"), 1), S(3),
N("E3", 1), S(3), C(Seq("B3", "E4"), 1), S(3),
N("B2", 1), S(3),
N("B3", 1), S(3),
N("E3", 8)
Copyright (c) SYSTEMF, EPFL, 2023
Not for distribution outside of EPFL.